The cost of travel on Aeroexpress trains and express buses to Moscow airports
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Aeroexpress fares

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Fare for Aeroexpress trains and express buses

Travel in Aeroexpress trains and buses for children under 7 years is free upon presentation of a document certifying the child's age. General fare rules apply to children over 7 years old.


  • Standard

    1 single journey in a standard class carriage along any Aeroexpress route within 30 days from the date specified on the ticket and selected upon purchase. Seats are not assigned. Tickets are available for purchase 90 days before and including the travel date.
  • Standard Weekend 400

    Promotional fare. 1 trip in a Standard class carriage on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday). The ticket is valid only on the selected date. Valid on any route from/to Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports. The seat is not assigned. Tickets can be purchased from March 1 to March 30, 2025.

  • Round trip

    2 journeys (1 trip to the airport and 1 trip to the rail terminal) in a standard class carriage. Valid via all three routes to and from the Moscow airports for a period of 30 days from the date shown on the ticket.
    1200 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Business

    1 trip in a “Business” class carriage. Valid for any route to/from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. The price includes beverages. Passengers may also use a free baggage wrapping service for one item, subject to the service’s terms and operating hours.* *The baggage wrapping service is available only at the Aeroexpress terminals in Domodedovo Airport (Aeroexpress terminal, -1 floor) and at Belorussky Railway Station (Aeroexpress waiting lounge). Dimensions for one item: no more than 50x50x100 cm. Operating hours: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, break: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
    1500 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Business Spasibo

    1 trip in a Business class carriage.
    Valid for any route to/from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. The ticket can be purchased at the Standard Ticket price of 650 RUB with an additional payment of 850 RUB using “Spasibo” bonus points for the “Class Upgrade” service. The price includes beverages. Passengers may also use a free baggage wrapping service for one item, subject to the service’s terms and operating hours.*
    *The baggage wrapping service is available only at the Aeroexpress terminals in Domodedovo Airport (Aeroexpress terminal, -1 floor) and at Belorussky Railway Station (Aeroexpress waiting lounge). Dimensions for one item: no more than 50x50x100 cm. Operating hours: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, break: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
    1500 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Business Round-Trip

    2 trips in a “Business” class carriage (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport). Valid for any route to/from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. The price includes beverages. Passengers may also use a free baggage wrapping service for 1 item during the “to” trip and 1 item during the “from” trip, or 2 items at once, subject to the service’s terms and operating hours.* *The baggage wrapping service is available only at the Aeroexpress terminals in Domodedovo Airport (Aeroexpress terminal, -1 floor) and at Belorussky Railway Station (Aeroexpress waiting lounge). Dimensions for one item: no more than 50x50x100 cm. Operating hours: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, break: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
    2500 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Family

    1 trip in a standard class carriage for a group of passengers consisting of no more than 2 adults and no more than 3 children aged 7 to 14 years inclusive (children under 7 travel for free).
    Valid for any route to/from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seats are not assigned. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. All passengers can pass through the turnstiles with the ticket within 15 minutes from the first passenger’s entry.
    The price depends on the number of passengers:
    • 2 adults – 1200 ₽
    • 2 adults + 1 child – 1700 ₽
    • 2 adults + 2 children – 2000 ₽
    • 2 adults + 3 children – 2500 ₽
    from 1200 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Family Round Trip

    2 trips in a Standard class carriage (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport) for a group of up to 2 adults and up to 3 children aged 7 to 14 years inclusive (children under 7 travel free). Valid for any route to/from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seats are not assigned. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. All passengers can enter through the turnstiles with the ticket within 15 minutes from the first passenger’s entry.
    The price depends on the number of passengers:
    • 2 adults – 2,000 ₽
    • 2 adults + 1 child – 2,400 ₽
    • 2 adults + 2 children – 2,800 ₽
    • 2 adults + 3 children – 3,000 ₽
    from 2000 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Moscow - Domodedovo

    1 trip in a “Standard” class carriage on the routes: “Domodedovo Town Station – Paveletsky Railway Station” or “Domodedovo Town Station – Verkhniye Kotly Station,” or in the reverse direction, within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. Note: This fare is not intended for trips to/from the airport and applies only for travel to/from the Domodedovo Town railway platform.
  • Express bus

    1 trip on an express bus to/from Sheremetyevo Airport (Terminals B, C – Route No. 1195; Terminals D, E, F – Route No. 1195D) to/from Khovrino Metro Station on the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. Service interval: 10-15 minutes. Approximate travel time: 20 minutes.
  • Express Bus Round-Trip

    2 trips on an express bus to/from Sheremetyevo Airport (Terminals B, C – Route No. 1195; Terminals D, E, F – Route No. 1195D) to/from Khovrino Metro Station (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport) within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. Service interval: 10-15 minutes. Approximate travel time: 20 minutes.
  • Express bus to Domodedovo Airport

    1 trip on an express bus to/from Domodedovo Airport to/from Domodedovskaya Metro Station on the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. Service interval: 15 minutes. Approximate travel time: 40 minutes.
  • Domodedovo Airport Express Bus Round Trip

    2 trips on an express bus to/from Domodedovo Airport to/from Domodedovskaya Metro Station (1 trip to the airport, 1 trip from the airport) within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seat assignment is not fixed. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. Service interval: 15 minutes. Approximate travel time: 40 minutes.
  • Notes

    Tickets can only be exchanged and returned in accordance with the e-Ticketing Terms and Conditions..

    The group of Subscription fares is designed for one-way trips to/from the selected destination in a standard-class carriage. Seats are not assigned. A passenger can take the selected number of trips during 30 days starting from the date specified upon purchase. Limitations: up to 2 trips a day with an interval of at least 40 minutes between passing through the turnstiles.

    This is not a railcard. Neither refund nor exchange is possible with this fare.


  • Subscription Airport Domodedovo ⇄ Paveletskiy Rail Terminal

    “Standard” class carriage. Valid on the Aeroexpress train route to/from Domodedovo Airport to/from Paveletsky Railway Station and in the reverse direction (including intermediate stops). Each trip must begin or end at Domodedovo Airport.
    15 one-way trips within 30 days.
    2000 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Subscription Airport Sheremetyevo ⇄ Belorusskiy Rail Terminal

    “Standard” class carriage. Valid on the Aeroexpress train route to/from Sheremetyevo Airport to/from Belorussky Railway Station and in the reverse direction (including intermediate stops). Each trip must begin or end at Sheremetyevo Airport.
    30 one-way trips within 30 days.
    5050 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Subscription Domodedovo City ⇄ Paveletskiy Rail Terminal

    “Standard” class carriage. Valid on the Aeroexpress train route to/from Domodedovo Town Station to/from Paveletsky Railway Station and in the reverse direction (including intermediate stops). Each trip must begin or end at Domodedovo Town Station.
    15 one-way trips within 30 days.
    3700 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Subscription Domodedovo City ⇄ Airport Domodedovo

    “Standard” class carriage. Valid on the Aeroexpress train route to/from Domodedovo Town Station to/from Domodedovo Airport and in the reverse direction. Each trip must begin or end at Domodedovo Airport.
    15 one-way trips within 30 days.
    1500 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Express Bus Subscribe

    Valid on the Aeroexpress bus route to/from Sheremetyevo Airport (Terminals B, C – Route No. 1195; Terminals D, E, F – Route No. 1195D) to/from Khovrino Metro Station and in the reverse direction.
    15 one-way trips within 45 days.
    3225 ₽ Buy on the site
  • Express bus to Sheremetyevo Airport for 30 trips Subscription

    Valid on the Aeroexpress bus route to/from Sheremetyevo Airport (Terminals B, C – Route No. 1195; Terminals D, E, F – Route No. 1195D) to/from Khovrino Metro Station and in the reverse direction.
    30 one-way trips within 60 days.
    5400 ₽ Buy
  • Express bus to Domodedovo Airport for 15 trips Subscription

    Valid on the Aeroexpress bus route to/from Domodedovo Airport to/from Domodedovskaya Metro Station and in the reverse direction.
    15 one-way trips within 45 days.
    2700 ₽ Buy
  • Express bus to Domodedovo Airport for 30 trips Subscription

    Valid on the Aeroexpress bus route to/from Domodedovo Airport to/from Domodedovskaya Metro Station and in the reverse direction.
    30 one-way trips within 60 days.
    3600 ₽ Buy

Travel in Aeroexpress trains and buses for children under 7 years is free upon presentation of a document certifying the child's age. General fare rules apply to children over 7 years old.


  • Standard

    1 single journey in a standard class carriage strictly in accordance with the date and route specified on the ticket and selected upon purchase. Seats are not assigned.
    Tickets are available for purchase at ticket offices 15 days before the travel date, from TVMs only on the travel date, and at turnstiles located at the airport immediately before travel.
    650 ₽
  • Standard Round-Trip

    2 single journeys in a standard class carriage (1 trip to the airport and 1 trip from the airport) along any Aeroexpress route within 30 days from the date specified on the ticket and selected upon purchase. Seats are not assigned.
    Tickets are available for purchase only on the travel date.
    1200 ₽
  • Business

    1 single journey in a business class. Seats are not assigned. The price includes a seat of enhanced comfort, soft drinks, water, and luggage packing. *Baggage wrapping services are only available at the Aeroexpress terminals located at Domodedovo Airports and Belorussky railway station. The dimensions of one item of baggage must not exceed 50x50x100 cm. Opening hours: 8:00-22:00, lunch break 12:00-13:00.
    1500 ₽
  • Business Round-Trip

    2 single journey in a business class (1 trip to the airport and 1 trip from the airport). Seats are not assigned. The price includes a seat of enhanced comfort, soft drinks, water, and luggage packing. *Baggage wrapping services are only available at the Aeroexpress terminals located at Domodedovo Airports and Belorussky railway station. The dimensions of one item of baggage must not exceed 50x50x100 cm. Opening hours: 8:00-22:00, lunch break 12:00-13:00.
    2500 ₽
  • Family

    1 trip in a standard class carriage for a group of passengers consisting of no more than 2 adults and no more than 3 children aged 7 to 14 years inclusive (children under 7 travel for free).
    Valid for any route to/from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo airports within 30 days from the date selected at purchase. Seats are not assigned. Ticket purchase is possible up to 90 days in advance. All passengers can pass through the turnstiles with the ticket within 15 minutes from the first passenger’s entry.
    The price depends on the number of passengers:
    • 2 adults – 1200 ₽
    • 2 adults + 1 child – 1700 ₽
    • 2 adults + 2 children – 2000 ₽
    • 2 adults + 3 children – 2500 ₽
    from 1200 ₽
  • Family Round Trip

    2 journeys in a standard class carriage (1 ride to the airport and 1 ride from the airport) for a group of passengers, including a maximum of 2 adults and 3 children, aged 7 to 14 years old. The price varies from 2000 to 3,000 ₽ (depending on the number of passengers): 2 adults – 2,000 ₽; 2 adults + 1 child aged 7 to 14 – 2,400 ₽; 2 adults + 2 children aged 7 to 14 – 2,800 ₽; 2 adults + 3 children aged 7 to 14 – 3,000 ₽. The fare is valid for any Aeroexpress route for 30 days from the date selected upon purchase.
    from 2000 ₽
  • Railcard 10

    10 rides in a standard class carriage along any Aeroexpress route within 30 days, including the date of purchase. Passengers may not pass through the turnstile at the airport again for at least 10 minutes. Seats are not assigned.
    2500 ₽
  • Railcard 15

    15 rides in a standard class carriage along any Aeroexpress route within 30 days, including the date of purchase. Passengers may not pass through the turnstile at the airport again for at least 10 minutes. Seats are not assigned.
    3450 ₽
  • Express Bus Pass for 15 Rides

    15 express bus journeys from/to Sheremetyevo Airport to/from the Khovrino metro station Price: 2,850 ₽ Tickets can only be purchased from ticket sales clerks and bus drivers upon boarding the bus (this fare is not available at the ticket offices and TVMs, via the website and app, at the turnstiles and from partners). Tickets are available for purchase on the travel date. Seats are not assigned. Express buses depart at 20-minute intervals. Buses depart between 06:20 and 22:00 from Khovrino and between 07:00 and 22:40 from Terminal B of Sheremetyevo Airport. The expected travel time is 20 minutes.
    * For more details on the stops, route and timetable, please follow the link
    3100 ₽
  • Notes

    The 'Railcard 10'and 'Railcard 15' rates are specifically for railcards. All other fares are for one-time travel. The railcard with unused journeys may be returned at any Aeroexpress ticket office located at the company’s terminal at Kievsky Rail Terminal. Please kindly note that you can only receive a refund if the railcard is still valid. When issuing a railcard, we withdraw a lump sum of 100 roubles, which is the refund value of the plastic card. This shall be returned to the passenger at his/her request, provided that the card is also returned.

    We are glad to offer you additional services and facilities that will make your journey on the Aeroexpress trains even more comfortable!


  • Luggage packing1

    In the Aeroexpress terminals at Domodedovo Airport (on the -1 floor of the Aeroexpress terminal) and at Belorussky Railway Station (in the Aeroexpress waiting room) you can pack your luggage before traveling. Dimensions of 1 piece - no more than 50x50x100 cm. Business hours: from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., lunch – from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    850 ₽
  • Upgrade2

    If you have a Standard ticket, you can upgrade to the Business Class carriage, where you'll have hot and cold drinks and free luggage packing.
    850 ₽
  • Deposit for plastic card when buying a season ticket3

    100 ₽
  • Medical mask (1 pc)4

    10 ₽
  • All prices are inclusive of VAT 20%
    1 You can pay for the service at a stationary ticket office, ticket printing machine (TPM) or at an Aeroexpress mobile ticket cashier. There are no refunds available.
    2 Valid only with a Standard ticket. You can pay for the service on the website, at a stationary ticket office or at an Aeroexpress mobile ticket cashier. There are no refunds available.
    3 When issuing a season ticket at the Aeroexpress stationary ticket office, the passenger is charged a one-time deposit value of the card (plastic carrier), which is returned to the passenger at the first request, provided that the card is returned.
    4 The service is available at the Aeroexpress stationary ticket offices. There are no refunds available.
  • Troika

    1 trip in a Standard class carriage when paying with an e-wallet using a Troika card at the turnstile.
    Payment with an e-wallet using a Troika card is temporarily impossible at the stations: Verkhniye Kotly, Domodedovo, Aminyevskaya.
    When transferring from MCD-1 stations, the total cost of the trip is equal to the cost of the Aeroexpress fare.
    When transferring from MCD-4 stations, the passenger is charged the cost of the Aeroexpress fare + the cost of the MCD-4 fare.
    *More Information
    650 ₽
  • Comfort

    1 trip in a Standard class carriage when paying with a contactless bank card or a mobile device at the turnstile.
    Payment with a contactless bank card or a mobile device at the turnstile is temporarily impossible at the stations: Verkhniye Kotly, Domodedovo, Aminyevskaya.
    When transferring from MCD-1 stations, the total cost of the trip is equal to the cost of the Aeroexpress fare.
    When transferring from MCD-4 stations, the passenger is charged the cost of the Aeroexpress fare + the cost of the MCD-4 fare.
    *More Information
    650 ₽
  • Biometrics

    1 trip in a Standard class carriage when paying using the biometric payment system at the turnstile.
    Payment using the biometric payment system at the turnstile is temporarily impossible at the stations: Verkhniye Kotly, Domodedovo, Aminyevskaya.
    When transferring from MCD-1 stations, the total cost of the trip is equal to the cost of the Aeroexpress fare.
    When transferring from MCD-4 stations, the passenger is charged the cost of the Aeroexpress fare + the cost of the MCD-4 fare.
    *More Information
    650 ₽

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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Доплатив за услугу повышения класса баллами вы получаете:
Бесплатная упаковка багажа
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
Просторные регулируемые кресла
Рассадка 2/2
Увеличенное пространство для ног
Возможность зарядить гаджеты
Бутилированная вода
Кофе, чай
Гардероб для верхней одежды
От 650 р. + баллы
Бесплатная упаковка багажа
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
Просторные регулируемые кресла
Рассадка 2/2
Увеличенное пространство для ног
Возможность зарядить гаджеты
Бутилированная вода
Кофе, чай
Гардероб для верхней одежды
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