Public offer for the provision of information services | Aeroexpress
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Public offer for the provision of information services

General Provisions

1.1.        In accordance with Articles 435 and 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is an official public offer (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Offer’) by the limited liability company Aeroexpress (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Contractor’) and contains all material conditions for the provision of services.

1.2.        In accordance with Article 435 and Clause 2, Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an individual agreeing to the conditions described below and accepting the offer becomes a Customer. This offer shall be considered accepted in the case that the Customer accepts all conditions in full and unconditionally, without any exceptions and/or limitations, and in accordance with the Civil Code, and it shall be treated as a bilateral written contract executed for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Contract’) under the conditions described below in this Offer.

1.3.        The Contractor and the Customer hereby provide mutual guarantees of their legal capacity, as required to enter in this Agreement for the provision of information services.

Subject of the Offer

2.1.        The subject of this Offer is the free provision of information to the Customer in relation to Aeroexpress’ activities, upon receiving the relevant request from the Customer.

2.2.        This Public Offer shall be published by the Contractor on his website at

2.3.        The Customer may unilaterally change the conditions of this Public Offer, without receiving the Customer’s prior consent, provided that the updated conditions are posted at not later than one day before they become effective.

2.4.        The Customer hereby gives the Contractor his/her consent for his/her personal data to be processed and used.

Service Description

3.1.        According to the subject of this Offer, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with information services free of charge at his/her request, by sending a respective written reply either via the Russian Postal Service or by email.

3.2.        When filling in the feedback form on the Contractor’s official website, the Customer shall select the request type (e.g. a question, feedback or a claim). Next, depending on the type of request, the Customer shall fill in all the fields provided in this section. After all fields have been filled in, the Customer shall check the box "☑“ and send his/her request to the Contractor.

3.3.        The Offer is considered to be accepted if the respective box is checked "☑“ and the corresponding request is sent to the Contractor.

3.4.        The Contractor undertakes to review and reply to the request within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the request was registered.

Rights and Obligations of the Parties

4.1.        The Contractor undertakes to:

4.1.1.     Consult the Customer on any questions related to the company’s activities;

4.1.2.     Examine information, documents, and other materials provided by the Customer;

4.1.3.     Reply to the Customer within the period specified herein and with the respective quality.

4.2.        The Customer undertakes to:

4.2.1.     Provide the Contractor with all documents and information required of the latter to fulfil his obligations under this Contract;

4.2.2.     Assist the Contractor so that he can fulfil his obligations under this Contract.

4.3.        The Contractor may:

4.3.1.     Receive documents, explanations, and extra information from the Customer in relation to the issue that is under consideration and necessary for the quality provision of information services;

4.3.2.     Not reply to a request if it contains some foul language.

4.4.        The Customer may:

4.4.1.     Refuse to fulfil this Contract by sending a respective application.

Disputes of the Parties

5.1. All disputes and disagreements arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by the parties through negotiations and, in case that the parties fail to reach any agreement, according to the order specified herein.

5.2. The parties hereby set a preliminary procedure to resolve disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract.

5.3. All disputes arising between the parties shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law in the case that no reply to the claim has been provided within a one-month period or in the case that such claim was refused to be settled, or if it was not fulfilled within ten (10) days of the date it was admitted or was settled in part.

5.4. The parties shall be held liable for their failure to perform or for the improper performance of their obligations under this Contract in the manner outlined in effective laws of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Disputes and claims arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be governed by effective legislation.

Personal Data Processing

6.1. Personal data are processed by Aeroexpress in compliance with the principles and rules of the Federal Law ‘On Personal Data’, taking into account the necessity to ensure the protection of personal data holders’ rights and freedoms.

Validity of the Contract

7.1. This Contract shall become valid upon its unconditional acceptance by the Customer and shall remain in effect until the Parties perform their obligations in full.


Limited Liability Company Aeroexpress


Sheremetyevo Airport, Khimki, Moscow Region 141400

Postal address:

P.O.Box 170, Sheremetyevo Airport 2, Khimki, Moscow Region 141425

OGRN 1055009320695

INN/KPP 5047066172/504701001

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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