Aeroexpress passenger insurance
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In the pursuance of clause 6, Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 67-ФЗ dated June 14, 2012 “On compulsory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability for damage to the life, health, and property of passengers and on the procedure for compensation for such damage caused during the transportation of passengers by metro”, Aeroexpress LLC informs the following.

For the passengers of Aeroexpress electric multiple unit from/to Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports:

Aeroexpress LLC has concluded a Contract of compulsory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability for damage to the life, health, and property of passengers with Gas Industry Insurance Company JSC (SOGAZ JSC) No. 24 GP 0006/GAZX22485727822000 dated March 13, 2024; the contract duration is from April 2, 2024 to April 1, 2025 inclusive.

For passengers of Aeroexpress express buses from/to Sheremetyevo Airport:

Aeroexpress LLC has concluded Contracts of compulsory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability for damage to the life, health, and property of passengers with SOGAZ JSC No. 24 GP 0003/GAZX22482887975000 dated February 9, 2024, the contract duration is from February 11, 2024 to February 10, 2025 inclusive, the Contract No. 23 GP 0020/GAZX22373200294000 dated September 18, 2023, the contract duration is from September 19, 2023 to September 18, 2024 inclusive.

For passengers of Aeroexpress express buses from/to Domodedovo Airport:

Aeroexpress LLC has concluded a Contract of compulsory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability for damage to life, health, property of passengers with SOGAZ JSC No. 23 GP 0013/GAZX22372756848000 dated July 20, 2023; the contract duration is from July 21, 2023 to July 20, 2024 inclusive.

Information about the insurer:

Gas Industry Insurance Company JSC (SOGAZ JSC)

Legal address: 107078, Russian Federation, Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Ave., 10

Postal address: 107078, Russian Federation, Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Ave., 10

Tel.: +7 (495) 739-21-40

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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