Aeroexpress passenger insurance
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In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of June 14, 2012, No. 67-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Carrier’s Civil Liability for Causing Harm to the Life, Health, and Property of Passengers and on the Procedure for Compensation of Such Harm Caused during the Transportation of Passengers by the Metro," LLC "Aeroexpress" has entered into an agreement with JSC "SOGAZ" for compulsory insurance of carrier’s civil liability for causing harm to the life, health, and property of passengers:

  • No. 24 GP 0035/GAZX22412948195000 dated 19.09.2024; the period of validity – from 19.09.2024 to 18.09.2025 inclusive.


Information about the insurer:

  • Joint Stock Company "Insurance Company of the Gas Industry" (JSC "SOGAZ")
  • Legal address: 107078, Russian Federation, Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Ave., 10
  • Mailing address: 107078, Russian Federation, Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Ave., 10
  • Phone: +7 (495) 739-21-40

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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Доплатив за услугу повышения класса баллами вы получаете:
Бесплатная упаковка багажа
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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Гардероб для верхней одежды
От 650 р. + баллы