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The history of Aeroexpress company
- December
Aeroexpress installed new soft seating blocks in the waiting rooms in its terminals at Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports, as well as at Belorussky and Paveletsky railway stations. About 200 seats were updated, including an increase in their number. The new seats allow travelers to comfortably wait for boarding the train.
Aeroexpress and Russian Post have launched a holiday promotion for the second time: on the eve of the New Year, Aeroexpress passengers could send a New Year's card to their loved ones in the company's terminals for free or write a letter to Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug with their children.
New Year's greetings from People's Artist of Russia Sergey Bezrukov were once again heard on Aeroexpress trains and express buses on routes to Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports.
- November
Aeroexpress and Sber launched a joint promotion, within the framework of which a special tariff "Business Thank You" is valid when purchasing a ticket on the website and in the carrier's mobile application: passengers can partially pay for the trip with Thank You bonuses or receive cashback.
- October
6.5 million passengers were transported by Aeroexpress express buses to Sheremetyevo Airport over 5 years of operation.
Aeroexpress and the Russian perfume brand MAYME? released perfumes with the scents of summer memories. The limited perfume set is called "Memories of Summer" and includes four fragrances.
- August
As of August 1, 2024, Aeroexpress stopped operating on the route "Kievsky Train Station - Vnukovo Airport". The company launched passenger transportation on this route in 2008 and over 16 years of operation has fully completed the task of ensuring transport accessibility of Vnukovo Airport, building a reliable and convenient railway connection between Kievsky Station and the airport with a punctual schedule, comfortable rolling stock and high-quality passenger service. The railway route began to be serviced by the Central Suburban Passenger Company. Aeroexpress will focus on developing routes to Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports, as well as on developing express bus service to the airports.
- July
The company updated the Aeroexpress mobile application for devices with the iOS operating system: the interface has completely changed, and the search for the necessary information and the process of purchasing a ticket have become faster and more convenient.
Together with the Moscow Department of Transport, Aeroexpress released thematic Troikas: trains and the company's slogan decorated the design of collectible transport cards.
Aeroexpress terminal at Domodedovo Airport served 10 million passengers in 3 years of operation.
- June
"Aeroexpress" has launched express buses from metro "Khovrino" to terminal D of Sheremetyevo airport. Buses № 1195D depart every 20 minutes. The trip from Khovrino metro station to Terminal D takes about 20 minutes.
The company also reduced the departure interval of express buses № 1195 between metro station "Khovrino" and terminals B, C of Sheremetyevo airport. Now express buses depart every 8 minutes throughout the day.
A delegation from the Belarusian Railway visited Aeroexpress to learn about the successful experience of implementing railway passenger transportation to airports. The delegates inspected the company's infrastructure and rolling stock, and took part in a working meeting with Aeroexpress specialists.
The guests noted the comfort of the rolling stock, the convenience of the schedule, the high level of technological equipment of the depot, the convenience of the company's passenger terminals, and the high degree of integration of Aeroexpress routes with the Moscow urban transport system.
- May
"Aeroexpress" celebrated the 19th anniversary of its activity. Since the company was founded, Aeroexpress trains and express buses have transported 183 million passengers to Moscow airports. In honor of the birthday, the company, together with the Moscow Department of Transport, issued an exclusive series of branded Troika cards, and together with the Russian Post - a limited edition of postcards timed to the date.
- April
"Aeroexpress" and the Naked Heart Foundation for Children and Youth organized an information campaign about autism. During the month, passengers on Aeroexpress trains running to Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports could see a video about autism aimed at raising awareness of this developmental disorder.
The Aeroexpress depot hosted the jubilee Total Dictation. The all-Russian educational campaign, which celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2024, was held for the fourth time at the company's site.
"Aeroexpress" traditionally organized free travel in business class carriages for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and their accompanying persons. When issuing a ticket, the company's employees presented the veterans with memorable gifts.
- March
On the eve of March 8, Aeroexpress in cooperation with Russian Post launched Holiday Mail at Belorussky Railway Station. Everyone could send free themed postcards to their loved ones for International Women's Day.
Two million passengers were transported by Aeroexpress express buses to Domodedovo Airport over 2 years.
- February
The Company has released an updated version of Aeroexpress mobile application for Android devices. The new version of the application has a completely updated interface and a number of new options have been added to make the process of buying a ticket faster and easier.
- January
At the end of 2023, Aeroexpress trains and express buses carried 11 million people - 15.2% more than a year earlier. The company's share in the market of transportation to the capital's airports amounted to 15.5%, becoming the highest since 2016.
- Декабрь
«Аэроэкспресс» стал лауреатом ежегодной премии Digital Leaders Award 2023. Компания отмечена наградой в номинации «Трансформация года» в категории «Транспорт и мобильность – общественный транспорт» за проект обновления сайта aeroexpress.ru. Новый формат сайта «Аэроэкспресс» позволил сделать процесс выбора трансфера в аэропорт и покупки билета более быстрым и легким.
«Аэроэкспресс» совместно с Почтой России запустил Новогоднюю почту в терминалах компании. На Белорусском и Павелецком вокзалах пассажиры компании могли отправить бесплатную новогоднюю открытку своим близким или вместе с ребенком написать письмо Деду Морозу в Великий Устюг.
- Ноябрь
«Аэроэкспресс» стал лауреатом ежегодной премии в области инвестиций Investment Leaders Award 2023 в номинации «Проект года в сфере транспорта и логистики» в категории «Инвестиционные проекты». Компания представила свои автобусные экспресс-маршруты в аэропорты Шереметьево и Домодедово».
- Октябрь
3,9 млн пассажиров перевезли экспресс-автобусы «Аэроэкспресс» в аэропорт Шереметьево за 4 года с момента запуска.
На Белорусском вокзале открылся новый пешеходный тоннель. Теперь пройти к платформе отправления аэроэкспрессов до Шереметьево (14 путь) можно через терминал компании и здание вокзала по подземному пешеходному переходу. По прибытии на Белорусский вокзал из аэропорта для выхода в город с 15 пути также можно воспользоваться новым комфортным переходом.
- Сентябрь
«Аэроэкспресс» полностью обновил парк транспортных средств на автобусном экспресс-маршруте № 1195 между станцией метро «Ховрино» и аэропортом Шереметьево – теперь пассажиров перевозят совершенно новые низкопольные автобусы «НЕФАЗ» большого класса вместимостью более 100 человек.
Поездки на поездах «Аэроэкспресс» в аэропорт Внуково стали быстрее: время в пути между Киевским вокзалом и Внуково теперь составляет 33 минуты. От станции Аминьевская поездка занимает 23 минуты.
Компания запустила функционал оформления льготных билетов на сайте и в мобильном приложении.
- Август
Экспресс-автобусы № 1185 между станцией метро «Домодедовская» и аэропортом Домодедово стали курсировать чаще – каждые 15 минут в течение всего дня. Также автобусы теперь отправляются в первые рейсы раньше, а заканчивают работу позже.
«Аэроэкспресс» и Национальная система платежных карт (НСПК) запустили совместную акцию – при оплате билетов на поезда и экспресс-автобусы «Аэроэкспресс» при помощи Системы быстрых платежей (СБП), в том числе через мобильное приложение СБПэй, пассажиры получают кешбэк 10%. «Аэроэкспресс» стал первой транспортной компанией в Москве, предложившей пассажирам кешбэк на билеты при покупке через СБП.
- Июль
Для удобства пассажиров до 10 минут сокращены интервалы отправления экспресс-автобусов № 1195 между станцией метро «Ховрино» и аэропортом Шереметьево.
- Май
Экспресс-автобусы «Аэроэкспресс» № 1185 между станцией метро «Домодедовская» и аэропортом Домодедово начали курсировать чаще – теперь в часы пик они отправляются каждые 15 минут.
«Аэроэкспресс» запустил обновленную версию сайта, которая позволила сделать процесс выбора трансфера в аэропорт и покупки билета еще более быстрым и легким. На главной странице ресурса представлен удобный конструктор, который помогает пользователям выбрать нужный трансфер – поезд или экспресс-автобус «Аэроэкспресс» – и в несколько кликов оформлять билет.
«Аэроэкспресс» отметил 18-летие. За это время поезда и экспресс-автобусы компании перевезли в аэропорты Шереметьево, Домодедово и Внуково более 170 млн пассажиров.
Оплата с помощью биометрии заработала на всех направлениях движения поездов «Аэроэкспресс».
- Апрель
«Аэроэкспресс» в третий раз стал площадкой для проведения Тотального диктанта. Мероприятие вновь прошло в Едином диспетчерском центре компании в аэропорту Шереметьево.
Покупка билетов на поезда «Аэроэкспресс» стала доступна на официальном сайте Российских железных дорог, также на портале появилась возможность оформления мультимодальных маршрутов с учетом аэроэкспрессов.
Компания традиционно организовала бесплатный проезд в вагонах бизнес-класса для ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны и их сопровождающих в период майских праздников. Сотрудники «Аэроэкспресс» поздравили ветеранов и вручили им памятные подарки.
- Март
Экспресс-автобусы «Аэроэкспресс», курсирующие между станцией метро «Домодедовская» и аэропортом Домодедово, перевезли 900 тысяч пассажиров за первый год работы.
«Аэроэкспресс» совместно с платежной системой «Мир» запустили выгодную акцию для пассажиров – до конца года держатели премиальных карт Мир Supreme получат 20% кешбэк при покупке билетов на поезда и экспресс-автобусы компании.
- Январь
В аэропорту Шереметьево оплатить поездку на «Аэроэкспресс» можно с помощью Системы биометрической оплаты. К биометрии подключили по два турникета в железнодорожных терминалах в Северном и Южном терминальных комплексах аэропорта.
«Аэроэкспресс» подвел итоги деятельности за 2022 год. Поезда и экспресс-автобусы перевезли 9,5 млн человек – пассажиропоток компании увеличился на 7% по сравнению с 2021 годом. Доля «Аэроэкспресс» за прошедший год выросла на 2,3 п.п. и составила 14,5% – это наивысший показатель за период с 2017 года.
- Декабрь
На сайте и в мобильном приложении запущены новые платежные методы. Оплатить билеты в приложении «Аэроэкспресс» можно с помощью SberPay и СБП. Кроме того, оплата через СБП стала доступна на сайте компании.
Завершено соединение новой железнодорожной линии «Лобня – аэропорт Шереметьево» с Савеловским направлением Московской железной дороги. Новый съезд позволил запустить поезда «Аэроэкспресс» из Москвы напрямую к северным терминалам В и С без заезда в Южный терминальный комплекс аэропорта (терминалы D, E, F) и на 15 минут сократить время в пути до терминалов В и С, где в настоящее время обслуживаются все авиарейсы.
- Ноябрь
Благодаря открытию нового транспортно-пересадочного узла на Окружной пересадка с метро на «Аэроэкспресс» стала в 5 раз быстрее, а с МЦК – в 2 раза. Путь от метро до железнодорожной станции сократился с 500 метров по улице до 100 метров в теплом контуре, а пересадка с МЦК стала занимать не более 3 минут вместо 5,5.
- Октябрь
Компания запустила на сайте функционал оплаты билетов с помощью платёжного сервиса SberPay. Новая опция позволяет покупать билеты на сайте буквально в пару кликов. При этом не нужно иметь карту под рукой, вводить её данные и ждать СМС-подтверждения — можно расплатиться при помощи смартфона.
- Сентябрь
Оплатить билеты на «Аэроэкспресс» теперь можно с помощью Системы быстрых платежей. Новый способ оплаты доступен во всех кассах компании.
- Август
«Аэроэкспресс» и ТАСС открыли фотовыставку о необычных уголках России на Павелецком вокзале. Фотографии, сделанные фотокорреспондентами ТАСС, познакомили пассажиров с интересными туристическими маршрутами и достопримечательностями нашей страны.
- Июль
Депо «Аэроэкспресс» отметило десятилетие. Сегодня в депо осуществляется обслуживание более 50 составов, принадлежащих компании «Аэроэкспресс», а также Центральной пригородной пассажирской компании. Эти электропоезда перевозят пассажиров в аэропорты Шереметьево и Домодедово, по пригородным направлениям и МЦД.
3,4 млн пассажиров обслужил терминал «Аэроэкспресс» в аэропорту Домодедово за год. Открытие собственного терминала позволило сделать поездки в и из аэропорта Домодедово на поездах «Аэроэкспресс» еще более комфортными и бесшовными.
Тематические билеты «Единый» в дизайне «Аэроэкспресс» появились в метро. Билеты с изображением поездов и экспресс-автобусов «Аэроэкспресс» напомнили москвичам и гостям города о том, как можно добраться до столичных аэропортов вовремя и с комфортом, а также проинформировали о продлении маршрута аэроэкспрессов на Шереметьевском направлении до терминалов В и С.
- Июнь
Аэроэкспрессы начали курсировать в терминалы В и С аэропорта Шереметьево – открылся новый железнодорожный терминал в Северном терминальном комплексе авиагавани. Поезда следуют по обновленному маршруту – аэроэкспрессы из Москвы прибывают в Южный терминальный комплекс (терминалы D, E и F), после чего продолжают движение в северные терминалы (В и С). Пассажиры и сотрудники авиаузла могут напрямую из Москвы без пересадок добраться до терминалов В и С на комфортабельных двухэтажных поездах.
В официальном открытии нового железнодорожного терминала и запуске аэроэкспрессов приняли участие министр транспорта Российской Федерации Виталий Савельев, генеральный директор – председатель правления ОАО «РЖД» Олег Белозеров, генеральный директор «Аэроэкспресс» Андрей Акимов и генеральный директор АО «МАШ» Михаил Василенко.
«Аэроэкспресс» получил престижную международную премию Buying Business Travel Awards за 2021 год в категории «Транспорт». Наградой отмечена комплексная программа «Аэроэкспресс» для корпоративных клиентов, в рамках которой действует ряд специальных условий и опций: безналичная оплата проезда, абонементы и посадочные талоны, а также интеграция с сервисом для организации командировок «Авиасейлс для бизнеса», где летом 2021 года появилась возможность быстрой покупки билета на «Аэроэкспресс» вместе с авиабилетом.
- Май
Льготные пассажиры федерального и регионального уровней получили возможность оформлять безденежные проездные в билетных автоматах «Аэроэкспресс» без необходимости обращения в кассу – процесс занимает всего несколько секунд.
Компания запустила на сайте функционал оплаты билетов с помощью платежного сервиса Yandex Pay. За каждый купленный билет на «Аэроэкспресс» пользователю будут начисляться баллы Яндекс Плюса, которые можно потратить в сервисах Яндекса. Появилась еще одна удобная опция – возможность быстрой авторизации на сайте компании при помощи Яндекс ID.
«Аэроэкспресс» отметил 17-летие. С момента основания компании поезда и экспресс-автобусы «Аэроэкспресс» перевезли в столичные аэропорты и обратно более 160 млн пассажиров.
«Аэроэкспресс» обновил концепцию бизнес-класса – расширена тарифная линейка и перечень услуг, включенных в бизнес-класс, увеличен срок действия билета при покупке онлайн.
- Апрель
«Аэроэкспресс» и Фонд помощи детям и молодежи «Обнажённые сердца» запустили совместную информационную кампанию о расстройстве аутистического спектра, которая призвана развеять мифы вокруг этой особенности развития. «Аэроэкспресс» в третий раз выступил информационным партнером акции Фонда.
«Аэроэкспресс» во второй раз стал площадкой для Тотального диктанта − проверка грамотности состоялась в Едином диспетчерском центре «Аэроэкспресс» в аэропорту Шереметьево.
Экспресс-автобусы «Аэроэкспресс» в аэропорт Домодедово перевезли первые 25 тысяч пассажиров.
- Март
«Аэроэкспресс» запустил автобусный экспресс-маршрут от станции метро «Домодедовская» до аэропорта Домодедово. Пассажиров перевозят комфортабельные туристические автобусы с высоким салоном и багажным отделением. Поездка занимает 30-40 минут.
- Декабрь
Купить билеты на аэроэкспрессы теперь можно в приложении СберБанк Онлайн и на сайте авиакомпании «Победа».
Генеральным директором компании назначен Андрей Акимов, ранее занимавший должность начальника Дирекции Московских центральных диаметров Департамента транспорта и развития дорожно-транспортной инфраструктуры г. Москвы.
На Внуковском направлении запущена промежуточная остановка – Аминьевская. У пассажиров «Аэроэкспресс» появилась возможность сделать быструю пересадку с/на одноименную станцию Большой кольцевой линии метро.
- Октябрь
«Аэроэкспресс» запустил на сайте сервис бронирования бизнес-залов и других VIP-услуг в аэропортах по всему миру.
Компания приняла участие в круглом столе «Железнодорожные перевозки: взгляд в будущее» на Международном инновационном форуме пассажирского транспорта SmartTRANSPORT в Санкт-Петербурге.
На 25% увеличилась доля продаж билетов на сайте компании по сравнению с аналогичным периодом допандемийного 2019 года.
- Август
Билеты на «Аэроэкспресс» стали доступны для корпоративных клиентов «Авиасейлс для бизнеса».
Рейтинговое агентство «Эксперт РА» подтвердило рейтинг кредитоспособности нефинансовой компании «Аэроэкспресс» на уровне ruBB+ и изменило прогноз по рейтингу на стабильный.
«Аэроэкспресс» запустил автобусный экспресс-маршрут до терминала D аэропорта Шереметьево.
- Июль
У аэроэкспрессов, следующих в аэропорт Домодедово, появилась новая промежуточная остановка на железнодорожной станции Домодедово. Время в пути от Павелецкого вокзала до аэропорта осталось прежним.
«Аэроэкспресс» открыл новый терминал в аэропорту Домодедово. Путь от поезда до стоек регистрации аэропорта теперь занимает не более 5 минут по крытой пешеходной галерее.
- Июнь
«Аэроэкспресс» запустил сервис покупки авиабилетов на своем сайте, а также инновационный сервис по возврату потерянных вещей. Специальные бирки с уникальным идентификационным номером позволят обнаружить потерянный багаж и документы по всему миру и вернуть его хозяину.
- Май
«Аэроэкспресс» и ТАСС открыли на Павелецком вокзале совместную фотовыставку «Путь к Победе». В экспозицию вошли кадры, сделанные фронтовыми фотокорреспондентами агентства.
На сайте «Аэроэкспресс» появился сервис для бронирования экскурсий по всему миру. Он позволяет выбрать программы от местных жителей на русском языке по более чем 600 направлениям.
- Апрель
«Аэроэкспресс» и Фонд «Обнаженные сердца» провели вторую совместную информационную кампанию о расстройстве аутистического спектра.
В аэроэкспрессе на полном ходу прошёл Тотальный диктант. Участники совершили поездку с Савеловского вокзала до аэропорта Шереметьево и обратно. Текст диктанта прочла актриса, певица и общественный деятель Анастасия Денисова.
- Март
При покупке билетов на «Аэроэкспресс» онлайн больше не нужно вводить паспортные данные. Чтобы приобрести билет на сайте или в мобильном приложении, необходимо выбрать только дату поездки, тариф и количество билетов.
Покупка билетов на аэроэкспрессы стала доступна на туристическом сервисе RUSSPASS.
Компания запустила акционный тариф «Счастливые часы» для поездок из аэропорта Шереметьево. Приобрести билет со скидкой можно ежедневно в период с 20:00 до 22:30 у мобильных билетных кассиров компании в аэропорту.
Запущена партнерская программа с приложением «Город». Держатели транспортной карты «Тройка», зарегистрированные в программе лояльности «Город», могут приобрести билет на аэроэкспрессы за бонусы.
- September
Passenger demand for the Aeroexpress interim stop on the Sheremetyevo route exceeded 200,000 people during the 12 months since it was launched.
Over 2,300 Aeroexpress passengers used the free Personal Assistant service starting from March 2018 when the company extended access to it.
Aeroexpress announced that it planned to launch a regular bus route from the Khovrino metro station to Terminal B of Sheremetyevo Airport.
Aeroexpress and JCB presented an overview of their joint campaign. During the campaign validity period, nearly 6,000 passengers holding JCB cards obtained an 80% discount on Aeroexpress tickets.
Power bank rental stations started operating at the Aeroexpress terminals.
- August
The Expert RA rating company confirmed the credit rating of the Aeroexpress non-financial company and assigned it a rating of ruBB+.
Aeroexpress recorded a mobile app demand increase. The number of Aeroexpress mobile app weekly downloads increased by 45% after the Aeroexpress + Taxi fare was introduced.
The leading Russian information security integrator Informzaschita (Russian for ‘Information Security’) confirmed that the Infosec policies applied by Aeroexpress fully comply with PCI DSS v. 3.2.1 requirements.
For passengers’ convenience, the Aeroexpress lost property office started operating at the company’s depot located next to the Belorussky Rail Terminal.
- July
Aeroexpress and Central Suburban Passenger Company put joint train services into operation between Sheremetyevo and Odintsovo. Trains started serving the railway section between Sheremetyevo Airport and the Belorussky Rail Terminal as regular Aeroexpress trains whereas making all stops as per route along the section between the Belorussky Rail Terminal and Odintsovo.
Aeroexpress expanded the service options aboard Aeroexpress trains on all routes of operation and introduced a new on-board menu.
Renowned TV and radio host, journalist and traveller Mikhail Kozhukhov voiced information announcements aboard Aeroexpress trains.
New vending zones started operating at the Aeroexpress terminals located at Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo Airports, as well as at the Belorussky and Paveletsky Rail Terminals.
Since early 2019, nearly 12,000 passengers used Troika card to pay for their ride on Aeroexpress trains. This figure was 50% higher than for the same period in 2018.
- June
Aeroexpress passengers started planning return trips more often. Round-trip ticket sales doubled after the company changed its fare policy in November 2018.
The Moscow Planetarium exhibition opened at the Aeroexpress Terminal at Sheremetyevo Airport. During the exhibition period, Aeroexpress passengers were offered a discount for visiting Moscow Planetarium.
Aeroexpress and JCB, one of the leading payment companies in the world, established in Japan, launched a joint campaign. The company provided an 80% discount to JCB cardholders.
Aeroexpress and Citymobil taxi provider announced the launch of a joint multimodal fare that made it possible to travel from the airport to the rail terminal by train and then continue the journey to the required destination by taxi, using a unified e-ticket.
- May
Aeroexpress and UnionPay completed their joint campaign that offered an opportunity to travel by Aeroexpress trains for one rouble, provided that tickets were paid for at the turnstiles using UnionPay contactless cards. Nearly 10,000 passengers took advantage of the special offer.
Aeroexpress and the Naked Heart Foundation launched a joint campaign aimed at raising awareness about autism spectrum disorder.
Aeroexpress analysed foreign passenger demand. Thus, German was the most frequently selected language for the past 12 months, with 25% of all purchases made via this foreign language TVM menu. Spanish ran in close second, accounting for 23% of sales. French was the third among the top three, representing 21% of all foreign purchasers.
- April
Aeroexpress increased the number of carriages per train during the summer season. Two additional carriages were attached to each Aeroexpress train running on the Sheremetyevo route.
An option to purchase Aeroexpress tickets via the Ural Airlines website was introduced. The airlines started offering Aeroexpress ticketing option when booking flights online.
- March
Passenger demand for Aeroexpress interim stops at Okruzhnaya and Verkhnie Kotly exceeded 100,000 people since the time the stops were put into operation.
The ticket purchasing menu on the Aeroexpress website, in the app and TVMs, became even more convenient for passengers.
Aeroexpress and UnionPay, International payment system, launched a joint campaign. As part of that collaboration, UnionPay card holders enjoyed Aeroexpress rides for just one rouble provided they made a contactless payment at the Aeroexpress turnstiles.
Since the launch of the free Wi-Fi network aboard Aeroexpress trains, the total number of connections exceeded 4 million.
- February
In 2018, 1.3 million passengers purchased Aeroexpress tickets at the group fares. This is an 80% increase compared to the same period in 2017.
Aeroexpress summarised the results of train services on-time performance on all Aeroexpress routes in 2018 and reported 99.8% schedule compliance.
Aeroexpress partnered with the АМАKids Academy of Intellectual Development, the students of which competed to set the new record in Russian Book of Records.
Aeroexpress transported volunteers for the Winter Universiade 2019 to Sheremetyevo Airport, where they met participants and guests of the Student Games and later saw them off.
- January
An option to pay for Aeroexpress tickets with Japanese JCB credit cards was introduced.
In 2018, 100,000 people paid for their Aeroexpress trips at the company’s turnstiles, using contactless payment options.
- September
Passenger demand for the Aeroexpress interim stop on the Sheremetyevo route exceeded 200,000 people during the 12 months since it was launched.
Over 2,300 Aeroexpress passengers used the free Personal Assistant service starting from March 2018 when the company extended access to it.
Aeroexpress announced that it planned to launch a regular bus route from the Khovrino metro station to Terminal B of Sheremetyevo Airport.
Aeroexpress and JCB presented an overview of their joint campaign. During the campaign validity period, nearly 6,000 passengers holding JCB cards obtained an 80% discount on Aeroexpress tickets.
Power bank rental stations started operating at the Aeroexpress terminals.
- August
The Expert RA rating company confirmed the credit rating of the Aeroexpress non-financial company and assigned it a rating of ruBB+.
Aeroexpress recorded a mobile app demand increase. The number of Aeroexpress mobile app weekly downloads increased by 45% after the Aeroexpress + Taxi fare was introduced.
The leading Russian information security integrator Informzaschita (Russian for ‘Information Security’) confirmed that the Infosec policies applied by Aeroexpress fully comply with PCI DSS v. 3.2.1 requirements.
For passengers’ convenience, the Aeroexpress lost property office started operating at the company’s depot located next to the Belorussky Rail Terminal.
- July
Aeroexpress and Central Suburban Passenger Company put joint train services into operation between Sheremetyevo and Odintsovo. Trains started serving the railway section between Sheremetyevo Airport and the Belorussky Rail Terminal as regular Aeroexpress trains whereas making all stops as per route along the section between the Belorussky Rail Terminal and Odintsovo.
Aeroexpress expanded the service options aboard Aeroexpress trains on all routes of operation and introduced a new on-board menu.
Renowned TV and radio host, journalist and traveller Mikhail Kozhukhov voiced information announcements aboard Aeroexpress trains.
New vending zones started operating at the Aeroexpress terminals located at Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo Airports, as well as at the Belorussky and Paveletsky Rail Terminals.
Since early 2019, nearly 12,000 passengers used Troika card to pay for their ride on Aeroexpress trains. This figure was 50% higher than for the same period in 2018.
- June
Aeroexpress passengers started planning return trips more often. Round-trip ticket sales doubled after the company changed its fare policy in November 2018.
The Moscow Planetarium exhibition opened at the Aeroexpress Terminal at Sheremetyevo Airport. During the exhibition period, Aeroexpress passengers were offered a discount for visiting Moscow Planetarium.
Aeroexpress and JCB, one of the leading payment companies in the world, established in Japan, launched a joint campaign. The company provided an 80% discount to JCB cardholders.
Aeroexpress and Citymobil taxi provider announced the launch of a joint multimodal fare that made it possible to travel from the airport to the rail terminal by train and then continue the journey to the required destination by taxi, using a unified e-ticket.
- May
Aeroexpress and UnionPay completed their joint campaign that offered an opportunity to travel by Aeroexpress trains for one rouble, provided that tickets were paid for at the turnstiles using UnionPay contactless cards. Nearly 10,000 passengers took advantage of the special offer.
Aeroexpress and the Naked Heart Foundation launched a joint campaign aimed at raising awareness about autism spectrum disorder.
Aeroexpress analysed foreign passenger demand. Thus, German was the most frequently selected language for the past 12 months, with 25% of all purchases made via this foreign language TVM menu. Spanish ran in close second, accounting for 23% of sales. French was the third among the top three, representing 21% of all foreign purchasers.
- April
Aeroexpress increased the number of carriages per train during the summer season. Two additional carriages were attached to each Aeroexpress train running on the Sheremetyevo route.
An option to purchase Aeroexpress tickets via the Ural Airlines website was introduced. The airlines started offering Aeroexpress ticketing option when booking flights online.
- March
Passenger demand for Aeroexpress interim stops at Okruzhnaya and Verkhnie Kotly exceeded 100,000 people since the time the stops were put into operation.
The ticket purchasing menu on the Aeroexpress website, in the app and TVMs, became even more convenient for passengers.
Aeroexpress and UnionPay, International payment system, launched a joint campaign. As part of that collaboration, UnionPay card holders enjoyed Aeroexpress rides for just one rouble provided they made a contactless payment at the Aeroexpress turnstiles.
Since the launch of the free Wi-Fi network aboard Aeroexpress trains, the total number of connections exceeded 4 million.
- February
In 2018, 1.3 million passengers purchased Aeroexpress tickets at the group fares. This is an 80% increase compared to the same period in 2017.
Aeroexpress summarised the results of train services on-time performance on all Aeroexpress routes in 2018 and reported 99.8% schedule compliance.
Aeroexpress partnered with the АМАKids Academy of Intellectual Development, the students of which competed to set the new record in Russian Book of Records.
Aeroexpress transported volunteers for the Winter Universiade 2019 to Sheremetyevo Airport, where they met participants and guests of the Student Games and later saw them off.
- January
An option to pay for Aeroexpress tickets with Japanese JCB credit cards was introduced.
In 2018, 100,000 people paid for their Aeroexpress trips at the company’s turnstiles, using contactless payment options.
- December
Aeroexpress introduced a New Year holidays offer for children. Children aged 5 to 14 travelled by Aeroexpress trains for 1 rouble one way.
Over 200,000 passengers took advantage of the new Aeroexpress fares in November.
From the time the fares were introduced, over 200,000 people purchased tickets at the updated Round-Trip rate and the new Duo and Duo Round-Trip fares.Aeroexpress train services to Domodedovo Airport gained speed and saved time. Now it takes 40–42 minutes for some trains to reach Paveletsky Rail Terminal and Domodedovo Airport, compared to the 45 minutes it previously took.
Google Pay was added as an option to pay for Aeroexpress tickets. It is available via the Aeroexpress mobile app and on the company’s website.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev expressed gratitude to Aeroexpress for the assistance in implementing the tasks that the MIA was commissioned to perform while preparing and holding the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
New Aeroexpress service areas opened at Domodedovo Airport. At the areas, passengers can purchase tickets, read the timetable and obtain other information.
Aeroexpress trains running between Paveletsky Rail Terminal and Domodedovo Airport started making an interim stop at the newly-built Verhniye Kotly platform.
- November
Aeroexpress introduced new fares which applied to two passengers travelling together. The new ‘Duo’ and ‘Duo Round-Trip’ tickets became available at the company’s ticket offices and via other sales channels.
Round-Trip ticket sales doubled after the fare rate was updated.
Over 6,000 passengers took part in the Aeroexpress and UnionPay joint campaign and travelled by Aeroexpress trains for just 1 rouble between June and October.
- October
Ticket sales via the Aeroexpress mobile app increased by 27%.
According to Moscow’s Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development, the Aeroexpress app is one of the top-3 most popular transport apps with Moscow residents.Aeroexpress double-decker trains transported 6 million passengers in twelve months. In October 2017, the company launched the first double-decker train produced by Swiss manufacturer Stadler on the route between Kievsky Rail Terminal and Vnukovo Airport. Currently, 11 double-decker trains run on the Domodedovo and Vnukovo routes.
- September
Aeroexpress trains running to Sheremetyevo Airport started making a stop on the route at the Okruzhnaya platform. Journey time between Belorussky Rail Terminal and Sheremetyevo Airport remained the same: 35 minutes.
The total volume of group passenger traffic increased by 58% during the summer months of 2018, compared to the same period in 2017.
Nearly 470,000 Aeroexpress passengers opted for group fares during the summer of 2018, which accounted for 13% of the total passenger traffic for the specified period.The RAEX (Expert RA) rating company confirmed the credit rating of the Aeroexpress Company and assigned it a ruBB+ rating. The outlook is stable.
Aeroexpress announced the appointment of Alina Bisembaeva as the new CEO. Previously, she held the position of the Deputy Head of Moscow’s Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development.
Aeroexpress executives entered the top-ten list of the best managers in Transport category of the Top-1000 Russian Managers rating, drawn up by the Association of Managers and the Kommersant Publishing House.
- August
The company upgraded the readers at the turnstiles. Thus, a scanner for contactless payments made by cards or railcards is located in the upper part of the turnstile, while the one for tickets is in the lower part.
- June
Aeroexpress information service desks were put into service at Terminal B of Sheremetyevo Airport.
Tickets to travel with Aeroexpress in Moscow become available for purchase at the Kazan Airport.
Key rings made in the company’s signature style, which also function as a Troika transport card, can be purchased at all Aeroexpress ticket offices.
Aeroexpress partnered with the Moscow Urban Forum 2018. As part of the agreement, Aeroexpress provided travel in business class railcars to speakers of the forum, together with their accompanying persons, for return journeys between the airports and Moscow’s centre.
Aeroexpress passenger flow increased in 1H2018. Since the beginning of 2018, Aeroexpress transported 5.59 million passengers, amounting to an increase of 3.3% compared to the same period last year.
Over 1.5 million people travelled with Aeroexpress during the 2018 World Cup.
- May
Aeroexpress was nominated as a candidate from Russia for the PMO Global Awards, which is a prestigious international project management award. The corporate project management system that was developed and is now being used by Aeroexpress, was selected by the award’s advisory committee as the best project office in Russia.
The number of passengers using Aeroexpress group fares increased by 2.5 times after the fares were updated.
The company’s ticket vending machines were fully adapted in order to accept the new 200-rouble and 2,000-rouble banknotes.
Aeroexpress introduced new railcards. Railcard 15 and Railcard 20 will be valid across all three routes served by Aeroexpress trains for a period of 30 days, including the day of purchase.
Aeroexpress and the government of St. Petersburg signed a letter of intent to implement the project for developing and operating a railway link between Pulkovo Airport and the Vitebsky Rail Terminal.
Aeroexpress introduced additional train services for the FIFA World Cup period.
- April
Aeroexpress started applying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. During the first five months of operation, a virtual consultant successfully provided primary support to users visiting the company’s website.
Aeroexpress announced that it would transport football fans visiting the 2018 World Cup free of charge.
Aeroexpress introduced new group fares for large groups of travellers. A single trip costs around 200 roubles per one passenger.
Aeroexpress cancelled additional fees for pets and bikes.
Aeroexpress introduced special fares for Moscow guests visiting the capital from different regions of Russia.
Aeroexpress announced the deployment of Apple Pay technology in the company’s mobile app.
Aeroexpress recorded a rise in ticket sales via the website and mobile app. Compared to 1Q2017, website sales rose by 17%, while the amount of purchases made via the mobile app increased by 38%.
- March
The Aeroexpress double-deck trains carried nearly 1.7 million passengers since launching.
Aeroexpress introduced its Telegram channel.
The company extended the list of passengers who may benefit from the Personal Assistant service, making it applicable to children and expectant mothers.
- February
Aeroexpress summed up 2017’s operating results. 11.66 million people used Aeroexpress services, a figure that is 0.6% more than in 2016. The company held 13.2% of the Moscow Air Cluster’s intermodal transportation market.
Double-deck Aeroexpress trains carried an estimated 845,000 passengers during the first three months of operation.
- January
A Sberbank office was opened at the Aeroexpress terminal located at Sheremetyevo Airport.
Aeroexpress and BelkaCar summarised their joint campaign results. Over 800 Aeroexpress passengers used a promo code to obtain a discount for their first ride with BelkaCar.
The number of new users of the Aeroexpress app increased by 12.6% compared to 2016. A total of 5.4% of all sales were made via the mobile app.
- December
Aeroexpress and PayPal carried out a joint campaign. A special offer was available, giving passengers the opportunity to purchase one Aeroexpress ticket at the price of 299 roubles.
Aeroexpress’ project for Constructing the Railway Passenger Terminal at the Domodedovo Airport Station won the silver award in the special nomination category Construction Project Management of Project Olympus, an annual professional project management competition in the public sector.
Aeroexpress extended the validity period for standard tickets. Standard Aeroexpress tickets, purchased via e-channels, are now valid for three days.
- November
Aeroexpress started operating double-deck trains along the Domodedovo route.
- October
Aeroexpress put the first double-deck train, produced by Stadler (Switzerland), into service. The first new-generation train commenced serving the route between the Kievsky Rail Terminal and Vnukovo Airport.
Aeroexpress updated its website. For users’ convenience, information about the company and news was separated from the sections for passengers.
- September
Aeroexpress, together with the event tourism website TRIP2RUS.RU and information portal Avtorodina (Russian for ‘automobile motherland’), presented a photo exhibition called Russia. Travel Ecology at Sheremetyevo Airport. The exhibition was dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.
Aeroexpress summarised summer performance results. Between 1 June and 31 August, 3.4 million passengers used Aeroexpress’ services, which was 2% more than the previous year.
- August
Aeroexpress, Mastercard and Android Pay completed their joint campaign. Over 1,500 tickets were sold at a half-price within three months.
The train timetable accuracy reached 99.9%.
- July
Aeroexpress and the Amediateka online service launched their joint campaign, through which passengers were able to enjoy free access to the service.
On the occasion of the Moscow Transport Day, Aeroexpress arranged a visit to its depot for children under the care of the Tekstilschiki Rehab Centre and their parents. This event was celebrated in Moscow for the first time.
Over 5.4 million passengers used the company’s trains between January and June 2017. That outstripped the result for the same period in the previous year by 1.02%.
Aeroexpress transported over 15,000 guests throughout the Confederations Cup.
Aeroexpress deployed SAP to automate its operation. The company put a unified business process management system into service.
- June
Aeroexpress announced that it would transport football fans visiting the 2017 Confederations Cup free of charge.
Aeroexpress introduced changes to its ticket appearance. An additional QR code has appeared on all Aeroexpress tickets, independent of the way they are purchased.
RAEX revised Aeroexpress’ rating based on new methodology and assigned it a ruBB+ rating (which corresponds to А(III) according to the previously applied scale).
The Aeroexpress depot celebrated its fifth anniversary.
- February
On February 1, 2016, the company introduced an online form for ordering the Personal Assistant service via the Aeroexpress website.
In February, Aeroexpress obtained a PCI DSS certificate that confirms the safety of the online payment services provided by the carrier.
- January
In January 2016, Aeroexpress launched a loyalty programme, which allows passengers to travel at discounted prices.
- December 2015
In December, the Aeroexpress terminal at the Paveletsky Rail Terminal opened after being renovated. It covers an area of 2,000 sq.km, making it one of the largest terminals in Europe.
The renewed Aeroexpress terminal at Paveletsky Rail Terminal meets modern requirements of railway facilities, as well as modern passenger needs. The terminal is equipped with an individual exit to the rail platform, lifts and escalators, 21 flight ticket offices, 16 ticket vending machines, and five ticket offices, one of which has been specially adapted for physically-challenged passengers. The terminal's capacity has increased three-fold, thereby reaching 1,800-2,000 people per hour.
- November
Aeroexpress carried passengers whose flights were cancelled due to the suspension of air travel between Russia and Egypt.
Aeroexpress carried passengers of cancelled flights to Egypt for free to MAC airports and back to Moscow. Moreover, passengers were able to take Aeroexpress to travel to airports to take back their baggage without paying for their journey.
- October
- July
In July 2015, Aeroexpress celebrated the third anniversary of its depot subdivision, which was created at rented facilities located at the Ilich depot. Aeroexpress went into operation on July 10, 2012 and became the first Russian suburban passenger carrier to service its operating rolling stock independently.
- June
In June 2015, Aeroexpress introduces a new corporate fare, which can be used by legal entities and paid for by wire transfer. This decision has allowed Aeroexpress customers (legal entities) to simplify their accounting, to reduce working hours required to arrange business trips, and to save money.
- May
Aeroexpress celebrates its 10th anniversary. Since it was launched, the company has carried over 105,000,000 passengers.
On 15 May 2015, Aeroexpress’ route between Kievsky Rail Terminal and Vnukovo Airport celebrates its 7th anniversary.
- April
Starting from 1 April 2015, Aeroexpress officially puts a wireless Internet access system into operation aboard all company trains. The average speed is 20–25 mbps.
- March
Aeroexpress introduces a new Group fare. This fare is intended for passengers travelling in a group of three or more people. Thus, the cost for three passengers to travel aboard a red branded train amounts to RUB 990.
- February
Starting from 1 February 2015, Aeroexpress changes its combined fares that include trips on Moscow metro. Thus, the prices of Plus Metro, Between Airports, and Business Trip tickets have been adjusted.
- January
Aeroexpress announces its decision to terminate the operation in the cities of Vladivostok and Kazan, and to focus its efforts on the Moscow region, where the company serves air-rail links between the capital and the three airports of the Moscow Air Cluster.
- December
As of 1 December 2014, free Wi-Fi was made available in test mode aboard all Aeroexpress trains operating in Moscow.
In 2014, the company’s passenger traffic totalled 19.7 million people, of which 7.6 million passengers travelled on the Domodedovo route. The second most popular airport is Sheremetyevo—the company carried 6.4 million people to/from the airport. Vnukovo is the third with 2.6 million travellers. Total passenger traffic for the three Moscow airports amounted to 16.6 million people in 2014. In 2014, the company’s share of the intermodal rail market of the Moscow Air Cluster was 21.65%.
In Vladivostok and Kazan, there were 797,000 and 53,000 passengers using Aeroexpress services, respectively. The company carried 2,300,000 passengers on the route between Savyolovsky Rail Terminal and the town of Lobnya. In 2014, Aeroexpress provided transport to nearly 932,000 passengers entitled to discounts, both on the Moscow routes and in regions.
- November
Aeroexpress starts to accept payments made using Troika cards.
On 13 November 2014, two morning train services were added on the intermodal route between Kievsky Rail Terminal and Vnukovo Airport.
On 13 November 2014, the first double-deck Aeroexpress train arrived in Moscow and was officially presented to the city administration and representatives of mass media. The presentation involved the following officials: Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin; Deputy Moscow Mayor for Transport and Traffic Infrastructure Development Maxim Liksutov; Ambassador of Switzerland to the Russian Federation Pierre Helg; Ambassador of the Belarus Republic to the Russian Federation Igor Petrishenko; as well as other officials.
- October
The first double-deck train for Aeroexpress has arrived at the Stadler plant in Minsk.
- September
On the Aeroexpress website, passengers can obtain travel insurance using the services of leading insurance companies.
Aeroexpress’ management ranks among the top ten in the TOP-1000 Russian Managers rating for the Transport category.
- August
Aeroexpress carries out a marketing research and studies passenger traffic to the three Moscow airports in different times of the day. As a result, the company introduces new railcards, including Morning, Evening, and Morning–Evening.
Aeroexpress celebrates the 5th anniversary of the Belorussky–Sheremetyevo route.
- July
Aeroexpress launches a new advertising campaign Try It! Enjoy It! featuring the famous actress Evelina Blyodans.
Aeroexpress celebrates its second anniversary in Vladivostok. Aeroexpress trains travel between the Vladivostok central rail terminal and Knevichi Airport, with three stops en route at Vtoraya Rechka, Ugolnaya, and Artyom. Total travel time is 48 minutes.
Construction of Stadler Rail Group’s factory in Fanipol (Belarus) is almost completed. The assembly of double-deck Aeroexpress trains, produced by Stadler in Swiss Altenrhein, has already begun at the Minsk factory.
- June
As of 1 June, Aeroexpress introduces amendments to the 2014–2015 train timetable. Extra services have been added and, on a number of routes, including Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo, the time intervals between trains have been reduced. One extra night train now departs from Paveletsky Rail Terminal to Domodedovo Airport at 00:30, and another one departs from Domodedovo Airport at 06:30 in the morning.
Aeroexpress introduces an additional intermediate stop at Yubileynaya Station on the route connecting Kazan Rail Terminal and Kazan International Airport.
Aeroexpress obtaines an ISO 27001:2005 certificate, becoming the first transport company in Russia to achieve such a high evaluation from international experts for implementing IT technologies in business activities. It has been confirmed that both the company’s head office in Moscow and the St Petersburg branch have achieved the requirements for this international standard for IT security.
Aeroexpress shares its successful rebranding practice at 1520 Strategic Partnership Forum in Sochi.
Aeroexpress launches a new mobile website. An upgraded version of the company’s official website is optimized for mobile devices www.aeroexpress.ru/m. The main changes pertain to the interface and site navigation.
- May
Aeroexpress’ branch in Kazan celebrates its first year of operation. Aeroexpress launched intermodal services on the route between Kazan Rail Terminal and Kazan International Airport on 22 May 2013.
- April
The first of 25 double-decker multiple-unit trains for Russian rail operator Aeroexpress are at the final assembly stage at Swiss rail vehicle manufacturer Stadler.
According to 1Q2014 results, the number of Aeroexpress tickets bought online in Moscow exceeded 211 thousand.
The Far Yet Near photography exhibition, held jointly with the Vokrug Sveta (“Around the World”) magazine, has opened in the Aeroexpress terminals at Belorussky Rail Terminal and Sheremetyevo Airport. It is comprised of more than 50 photographs.
- March
Aeroexpress corporate video was awarded the ‘Best Corporate Video – 2014’ competition’s Grand-Prix for the best production in the ‘Image Corporate Video’ category.
The Stadler Rail Group completed the paint of the first Aeroexpress double-deck train carbody.
In the beginning of march 2014 Aeroexpress carried its millionth passenger in Vladivostok.
- February
3 February 2014: Rail Group has successfully manufactured the first aluminium carbody of the fleet of 25 double-deck Aeroexpress trains.
Aeroexpress mobile application received Digital Communications AWARDS – 2014 in the “Mobile application” category.
- January
In less than six months since the launch of the Pay@Gate service, which makes it possible to pay for fares directly at turnstiles using a bank card, a total of 34,8 thousand Aeroexpress passengers have already taken advantage of the new feature.
More than 20.1 million passengers travelled on Aeroexpress trains in 2013, including the Moscow, Kazan, and Vladivostok routes, as well as the commuter route to the town of Lobnya.
- December
Aeroexpress has made the Russian-language version of its website accessible for visually impaired people.
Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov Paid Working Visit to Sheremetyevo International Airport and Aeroexpress Terminal.
Aeroexpress’ video has taken first place in the Best Corporate Video in the Related Industries nomination of the First National Awards “Aviation corporate video”.
In Five Months, Aeroexpress Carries Almost 33,000 Residents and Visitors to Kazan.
4 December 2013: Gazprom has provided financing to close the deal for supplying 118 double-deck passenger carriages, produced by Stadler Bussnang AG (Switzerland), to Aeroexpress.
Aeroexpress has completed construction and installation works at the Ilich depot and has started to independently maintain its operating rolling stock (24 trains).
- November
12 November 2013: Aeroexpress releases a new version of its mobile app for Android and Windows, featuring the new possibility for ordering a taxi.
- October
Aeroexpress transports 13.4 million people in first nine months of 2013.
Aeroexpress and Stadler reveal the factory that is currently under construction in Belarus, which will start producing double-deck rolling stock for Moscow Aeroexpress routes.
- September
A double-deck train prototype, designed for Aeroexpress, is being demonstrated at the IV International Rail Salon of Engineering and Technologies EXPO 1520.
Aeroexpress’ top management is named among top ten leaders in the ‘Top-1000 Russian Managers’ business rating Aeroexpress CEO Alexey Krivoruchko is named among the top ten in the 2013 Top Managers Rating, ranking in 7th place for the Transport category. Other Aeroexpress executives rae also ranked in the top ten managers rating for the Transport category as follows: Roman Guda, Chief Financial Officer (ranked in 3rd place in the 2013 Financial Directors rating); Rustam Akiniazov, Chief Commercial Officer (ranked in 1st place in the 2013 Commercial Directors rating); Vadim Semikin, Director of Public Relations (ranked in 5th place in the 2013 Directors of Public and Corporate Affairs rating; and Andrey Koshkin, Chief Corporate and Legal Officer (ranked in 9th place in the 2013 Corporate Management Directors rating).
Aeroexpress presents the results of the Study on the Profile of Potential Aeroexpress Consumers at the Moscow Aviation Hub, based on market research, conducted jointly with MAGRAM MARKET RESEARCH, an independent research agency for marketing and sociological research.
The Aeroexpress company, which was the first in the Russian rail market to use its own audio identity, is named among the top ten audio branding projects.
- August
Aeroexpress and Visa present a unique facility to pay for Aeroexpress services at turnstiles. To pay the fare, the passenger only needs to place his/her VisapayWave or MasterCardPayPass contactless bank card on the reader at the turnstile.
Aeroexpress begins reconstructing its terminal at Sheremetyevo International airport.
- July
Aeroexpress, together with the Aeroflot air carrier, launches a new service – ticket sales for its branded high-speed trains via www.aeroflot.ru.
The company releases the Aeroexpress App for smart phones with Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 7.5.
Aeroexpress launches virtual Lost & Found in social networks.
Aeroexpress and Sberbank introduce a new option to pay for Aeroexpress tickets via the Mobile Bank service. Passengers who want to buy tickets and have any Sberbank card connected to the Mobile Bank service need only send a text message to 900.
Aeroexpress reviews its performance during the Summer Universiade in Kazan. From the opening of the Universiade on 6 July and up to 17 July 2013, more than 4,200 passengers travelled on Aeroexpress trains. Since the route officially launched in the city on 22 May 2013, over 11,200 people have taken advantage of Aeroexpress’ services.
- June
Aeroexpress presents a series of videos about Moscow taxi drivers’ everyday life. These videos represent the follow-up to a massive advertising campaign featuring the “Honest taxi drivers recommend Aeroexpress” slogan.
Aeroexpress is recognized for social responsibility. Aeroexpress is certified for its corporate activities’ compliance with the requirements of ISO 26000:2010 international standard, Guidance on Social Responsibility.
- May
22 May 2013: Aeroexpress launches regular services in Kazan on the route between the city’s rail terminal and Kazan International Airport. The total travel time from the airport to the city centre is 20 minutes.
28 May 2013: Aeroexpress and Stadler Rail Group, Swiss rolling stock producer, sign the contract for delivering double-deck trains.
- April
Aeroexpress and Visa jointly introduce the Visa payWave contactless payment technology. Now, thanks to payWave cards, Aeroexpress tickets are one-touch-accessible.
Aeroexpress launches a massive advertising campaign focused on honest Moscow taxi drivers.
The National Rating Agency raises Aeroexpress’ credit rating to A+ on the national scale.
Aeroexpress and AVANGARD Bank start selling Aeroexpress tickets through the Avangard Internet bank system.
- March
Skype booths, which enable passengers to make free video calls all over the world, are installed at the Aeroexpress terminal located at Sheremetyevo Airport.
As of 31 March 2013: the number of services on the Vnukovo route is increased to 42.
- February
12 February 2013: Aeroexpress reveals the results of the tender for supplying double-deck rolling stock to Russia. The victory goes to Swiss Stadler.
February 2013: in addition to its visual logo, Aeroexpress now has its very own trademark audio motif. The audio logo is used before all voice announcements aboard Aeroexpress trains and at the company’s terminals.
27 February 2013: Aeroexpress wins Digital Communications Awards 2013 and receives the award for the Best Viral Video nomination.
- January
As of 10 January 2013: trains on the Vladivostok International Airport–Vladivostok route run more frequently. Four additional journeys are included in the new timetable.
January 2013: Aeroexpress launches its own mobile app. Tickets purchased via the mobile app do not need to be printed. The ticket’s QR-code can be read directly from the screen of a mobile phone or a tablet PC when passing through turnstiles at the airport.
Aeroexpress registers its account on Instagram (@aeroexpress).
Figures from 2012 reveal that more than 17.4 million passengers travelled on Aeroexpress trains over the year. The percentage of intermodal transport passengers in Moscow travelling by Aeroexpress grew by 1.34% to reach 23.37%.
- December
As of 26 November 2012: Aeroexpress train tickets become available for purchase through Portbilet.ru, an online air ticket booking portal launched by VIP Service.
- November
Aeroexpress successfully extends its certificate of compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 International Standard in the field of rail passenger service. The new certificate is valid until 8 December 2015.
November 2012: a new uniform is introduced for Aeroexpress staff, designed as part of the company’s rebranding initiative.
- October
October 17, 2012: Aeroexpress welcomes on board its 70 millionth passenger, Elizaveta Paramonova, who arrived at Sheremetyevo Airport from Paris.
As of October 2012: users of www.aeroexpress.ru can book and pay for air tickets and hotel rooms via Agent.ru.
- September
The 24th annual gathering of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) leaders was held from 2–9 September 2012 in Vladivostok. Aeroexpress was the transport partner of the APEC 2012 Summit.
Alexey Krivoruchko, Chief Executive Officer of Aeroexpress, has been named among the top ten leaders in the Russian transport industry by the ‘Top-1000 Russian Managers’ business rating. Other awards were announced as follows: Roman Guda, Chief Financial Officer (Financial Directors rating); Rustam Akiniyazov, Chief Commercial Officer (Commercial Directors rating); Pavel Stepanets; Chief HR and Administrative Officer (HR Directors rating); Dmitry Khazov, Head of the Marketing Department (Marketing Directors rating); and Vadim Semikin, Director of Public Relations (Directors of Public and Corporate Affairs rating). They were also acknowledged among the best managers in the Transport professional category.
- August
As of 1 August 2012: Moscow Aeroexpress tickets become available for purchase aboard Sapsan high-speed trains.
Aeroexpress launches a total of seven new 11-railcar ED4M electric trains to Domodedovo Airport.
- July
3 July 2012: Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev takes the opportunity to travel on an Aeroexpress train in Vladivostok and carry out an inspection prior to the opening of the line.
10 July 2012: Aeroexpress launches its own subdivision for maintaining and repairing rolling stock, based at the Ilich Depot in Moscow.
20 July 2012: regular train service launched on the Vladivostok–Vladivostok International Airport route, with three stops en route at Vtoraya Rechka, Ugolnaya, and Artem. Vladivostok becomes the third Russian city with an intermodal transport link.
Aeroexpress tickets become available for purchase on the UTair Aviation website (www.utair.ru). The service is available for passengers whose route includes Moscow.
- May
Tickets for Aeroexpress trains operating between Moscow city centre and Vnukovo, Domodedovo, and Sheremetyevo airports can be purchased on the Ural Airlines official website when booking and purchasing air tickets.
The National Rating Agency raises Aeroexpress’ individual solvency rating to ‘A’ level on the national scale.
Aeroexpress takes part in a round table entitled ‘Generation 2020: New Standards of HR Policy’ at the 1520 Strategic Partnership Seventh International Rail Business Forum.
- March
The HR Brand of the Year 2011 Independent Annual Award ceremony took place on 1 March 2012 at the Moscow International House of Music. The best Russian employers were named at the event based on the results of 2011. Aeroexpress was one of the winners, and was presented with the award in the Reliable Employer nomination.
From 12 March 2012: Aeroexpress tickets will be available for purchase on the Ukraine International Airlines website.
The new Aeroexpress office at Sheremetyevo International Airport was presented the top award in the Public Interior nomination as part of the Pod Kryshei Doma (Under the House's Roof) Festival held at the ‘Dom na Brestskoi’ (Mansion on Brestskaya) Architecture and Construction Centre from 15-19 March 2012.
- February
Aeroexpress has begun providing regular passenger transport services in Sochi. A ceremony was held on 15 February 2012 to mark the launch of the railway service between the city centre and the airport. Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, and Alexei Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress attended the event, where the first train was launched into service.
Alexei Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress, was named Person of the Year 2011 after being nominated for his contribution to transport infrastructure development. The Person of the Year Annual International Award was established in 2001 by RosBusinessConsulting Group.
- January
Now Aeroexpress electronic tickets can also be purchased from the TUI Travel, one of the largest travel companies in Europe.
14,039,676 passengers have travelled on Aeroexpress trains during the year of 2011. 12,356,099 of the passengers were carried to and from Moscow airports, 21.8% higher compared to the year of 2010. In addition, the company’s market share for the total number of passengers carried between Moscow and its airports increased by 2.05%, totalling 22.03%.
- December
Aeroexpress and MasterCard have announced their joint deployment of the innovative MasterCard® PayPassTM contactless payment technology. All ticket vending machines and Aeroexpress ticket offices have been equipped with bank card payment terminals supporting PayPass. Tickets can now be paid for in just a few seconds, with one touch only.
Aeroexpress announces rebranding. During 2012, Aeroexpress is going to change its corporate visual identity, including the exterior of trains and design of terminals and employees’ uniform.
- November
A full list of sales outlets for Aeroexpress tickets, situated in over 193 localities across 80 regions of Russia, is now available for passengers in the ‘Where to Buy’ section of the company’s website.
- Oktober
On 3 October 2011, Aeroexpess launched the first trains of the REX: Region Express project, which is a new brand created by the company for the provision of suburban and interregional passenger transportation services. Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow, and Vladimir Yakunin, President of OAO Russian Railways, attended the event.
- September
Aeroexpress electronic tickets can be purchased via the websites of VIM-AVIA, Donavia, and Yakutiya. Airlines S7 and Sky Express were the first to offer the service on their websites.
- July
Aeroexpress and Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) have introduced a new ticket payment service allowing all mobile phone users to purchase tickets for Aeroexpress trains. The service is available via the Easy Payment mobile payments service provided by MTS. MTS users can pay for tickets from their mobile phone balance, or by bank card. Users of other mobile network operators can pay using bank cards only.
- May
Aeroexpress joined the Corporate Club of the World Wildlife Fund, world's largest independent conservation organization.
Aeroexpress was awarded the prestigious Global AirRail Awards 2011, the first international awards dedicated to the air-rail market, and organized by AirRail News, the industry communication group. Aeroexpress was selected as a winner in the ‘AirRail Link of the Year’ category, the main category of the awards, achieving the highest score among such international companies as MTR Corporation Ltd (Hong Kong), KLIA Express (Malaysia), Arlanda Express (Sweden) and Flytoget (Norway).
- April
Aeroexpress is awarded the Grand Prix of the Brand of the Year Effie Award, winning in the New Name category, and became a silver Effie winner in the Transport category. THE BEST BRAND/EFFIE is a professional award established in Russia in 1998 and presented to the most successful projects in brand development.
Aeroexpress is among the top 50 best Russian employers as selected by HeadHunter together with ECOPSY Consulting, MOLGA Consulting, and WCIOM.
- March
Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, was able to personally assess the level of comfort offered on board Aeroexpress trains, noting that “the development of the Aeroexpress network and establishment of a modern intermodal transport system aim to reduce the levels of traffic in and around Moscow. This kind of high-speed transport will allow passengers to minimize the amount of time they spend travelling from the city centre to the airport and will make it possible to estimate travel times more accurately”.
- February
If a train is late by more than 15 minutes, Aeroexpress provides a full ticket refund.
Users of the ‘Big Three’ mobile operators (Beeline, MTS and MegaFon) can pay for Aeroexpress electronic tickets from their mobile phone balance, using the MOBI.Dengi payment system.
- January
The number of passengers travelling on Aeroexpress trains increased by 38%, totalling 11.5 million passengers.
- December
Aeroexpress tickets can now be purchased via the Sirena Travel Automated Distribution System, as well as on www.pososhok.ru, a one-stop online travel resource.
A new Aeroexpress+Taxi service has been launched for passengers travelling to and from Aeroexpress terminals located at railway stations.
- November
Aeroexpress is a winner in the ‘Company of the Year. Business Results 2010’ business awards in the Transport category for its contribution to the development of intermodal transportation services in the Moscow region.
The first Aeroexpress on-board magazine has been published.
A new service selling Aeroexpress electronic tickets on the www.poezdka.ru website has been launched together with RBT/FCm Travel Solutions.
- October
Aeroexpress tickets are now on sale at the Goryachie Tury agency.
- September
More than 100 ticket vending machines have been installed in all terminals.
- August
Aeroexpress, together with the Moscow Metro, has issued a hi-tech contactless joint ticket which can be used for both modes of transport.
- July
Aeroexpress tickets can now be purchased on the AMARGO website and at CAPITAL TOUR agency.
The express train running between Savyolovsky Rail Terminal and Lobnya station now stops at Dolgoprudnaya station in both directions.
- June
Rolling stock operating on the route between Domodedovo and Vnukovo Airports has been modernized, and the number of carriages increased.
The domain name аэроэкспресс.рф has been registered in the .rf zone.
- May
Aeroexpress tickets can now be purchased on the S7 Airlines website.
- April
It is now possible to purchase Aeroexpress boarding passes from sales outlets of DAVS travel agency.
- February
The launch of the business-class wagons of the electric trains on route "Belorussky station — Sheremetyevo airport». The new wagons differ form the usual wagons, because they are of higher comfort and have additional services.
The tickets for the express trains are now sold via the company's own web-site.
- January
The Aeroexpress company has secured its civil liability in case of personal injury, health and property damage to the persons who use the company’s services. It was the first case in the history of the suburban service, when the company has done it voluntarily.
- December
The quality management system of the LLC Aeroexpress was certified to comply with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008, the sphere of application — "Railway passenger transportation", that was confirmed with the Certificate of the international organization "Bureau Veritas Certification Rus".
- November
The one-time travel documents can now be sold in advance at the Aeroexpress booking offices. It has become possible to purchase the ticket for the Aeroexpress in advance, within 1 to 15 days prior the departure of the train.
All the Aeroexpress routs now have one-time boarding tickets, which are valid for 6 months.
- October
The passengers of the JSC Aeroflot — Russian airlines got an opportunity to purchase not only the flight ticket, but also the ticket for the railway travel on the Aeroexpress trains, going on route "Belorussky station — Sheremetyevo airport". The new service has become available due to the usage of the global system of air service booking Sabre.
- August
The Aeroexpress terminal at the Belorussky station was officially opened and the regular railway service between the Belorussky station and the International airport Sheremetyevo was established.
The ticket record keeping and automation system has been launched in the terminals of the Belorussky station and of the Sheremetyevo airport.
The new Metro+ fare has been introduced for the routes from the Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports to Moscow.
It has become possible to purchase the tickets for the high-speed Aeroexpress trains in the booking offices of the airline and railway agencies of the capital and other big cities of Russia, which are certified by the Billing and Settlement Plan at airline service (BSP).
- July
The new service of ticket sale for the Aeroexpress trains was introduced; this service is online and available on the web-site of the Russian airline operator. The route: Kievsky station — the Vnukovo airport.
- June
The new Welcomer-Seer off fare was introduced for the route Kievsky station — the Vnukovo airport.
- April
The new Family fare was introduced for the route to the Vnukovo airport.
- March
The passengers using the wheelchair were offered the Personal assistant service for the route to the Sheremetyevo airport.
The new Family and Welcomer-Seer off fares were introduced for the route to the Sheremetyevo airport.
- February
The new ED4MKM trains were put into service to go to the Domodedovo airport.
The free bus service between the terminals of the Sheremetyevo airport was established.
- November
The 1 000 000 passenger has been served on the route to the Vnukovo airport.
- October
The passengers of the Vnukovo airport were provided with a new service — AERO electric train.
The ED4MKM - AERO No.3 electric train has been put into service connecting Savelovsky station and Sheremetyevo airport.
- August
1 000 000 passenger has been served. It was Boris Dubovenko who has come from Riga.
- July
The company has become the operator of the railway service from Paveletsky station to the Domodedovo airport.
- June
The construction of the new double-line electrification railway, the length of which is 8,5 km from the Sheremetievskaya platform in Dolgoprudnoye town to the Sheremetyevo 2 terminal has been finished and the railway terminal on the territory of the airport has been constructed.
The direct railway service with the Sheremetyevo 2 airport has been introduced.
The multi-function complex Aeroexpress railway terminal in the Sheremetyevo airport was put into operation.
- May
The Aeroexpress company has started to provide the passengers with the service of railway transportation at the direction Kievsky station — the Vnukovo airport.
- September 2007
It was decided to make not only Savelovsky, but Belorussky station as well, the point of departure for the Moscow-Sheremetyevo trains. The construction of the new terminal at the Belorussky station has started on September 26.
- December 2005
The reconstruction of the building of the Savelovsky station has been finished. The "Savelovsky-Sheremetyevo" terminal was opened, the new terminal at the Lobnya station was constructed and the Express train, going on route "Savelovsky station — Lobnya station", was put into service. The passengers were provided with bus service between the Lobnya station and the Sheremetyevo airport.