Dec 23, 2024 - Sergei Bezrukov voices Happy New Year wishes for Aeroexpress passengers | Aeroexpress News
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Sergei Bezrukov voices Happy New Year wishes for Aeroexpress passengers

Dec 23, 2024

New Year's greetings of the Russian renowned national actor have sounded in Aeroexpress trains and express buses on the routes to Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports.

Passengers will hear warm wishes on behalf of Aeroexpress and the artistic director of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater for the New Year during the departure of vehicles from airports, train stations and initial stops.

Sergey Bezrukov - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, theater and film actor, director, producer, screenwriter. Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of prestigious theater and film awards. Artistic director of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater, soloist and founder of the rock band “Godfather”. During his career Bezrukov has played many roles that are very familiar to the Russian audience. Among them - Sasha Bely (“Brigade”), Sergei Esenin (“Esenin”), Yeshua (“The Master and Margarita”), Vladimir Vysotsky (“Vysotsky. Thanks for Living”), Boris Godunov (“Boris Godunov”), Kirill Bessonov (“Bison. The Case of the Mannequin Girl”), Alexei Astafiev (“Air”), lawyer Plevako (“Plevako”).

We would like to remind you that on the eve of the New Year the Festive Mail works in the company's terminals, so Aeroexpress passengers can send a free New Year's card to their relatives or together with children write a letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug. In addition, the company's terminals have been decorated with New Year's decorations and themed background music to create a festive atmosphere.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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Бесплатная упаковка багажа
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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