Oct 31, 2024 - “Aeroexpress” and Russian perfume brand MAYME? release perfume with the scents of summer memories | Aeroexpress News
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“Aeroexpress” and Russian perfume brand MAYME? release perfume with the scents of summer memories

Oct 31, 2024

The limited edition perfume set is called “Memories of Summer” and includes four fragrances.

The joint project of Aeroexpress and MAYME? is inspired by the theme of summer memories, which are different for each person: for some people they are associated with a trip to the seaside, for others - with walks in a blooming summer garden or a big city. The idea of creating such a perfume set emerged after a hot summer and unusually warm September this year.

The fragrances are named after the warm months of the year:

✔ “June” is inspired by the first real warmth, when there are dandelions all around, jasmine flowers in the hair, and grandmother has a garden of strange herbs;

✔ “July” recalls the feeling when the heat melts even the asphalt, and a semi-deserted city with rare corners of shade;

✔ “August” is dedicated to the sight of a white-sand beach and the lulling sound of the sea;

✔ and “September” is a fragrance that symbolizes a fresh start and promises coolness and peace.

“Our partnership with MAYME? is no coincidence, as the brand's team is made up of former flight attendants. Both Aeroexpress and MAYME? are inextricably linked with the theme of travel. On the threshold of winter, our joint collection of fragrances will allow us to feel nostalgic about summer, the time of year that traditionally brings bright impressions and trips. Everyone goes through this period in their own way, and we hope that everyone will be able to find in our fragrances echoes of their summer. Besides, there is a little surprise in the perfume set - a ticket for “Aeroexpress”, which will allow to make new travels a little closer”, - said Natalia Saksonina, the head of the press service of ‘Aeroexpress’.

“I can't even count how many hours I spent on Aeroexpress trains during my aviation career, so the idea of doing a joint fragrant project inspired me a lot, especially since summer is my favorite time of year. The time when everything is within your reach, when you meet the dawns and you haven't even gone to bed yet, when you stop counting the portions of ice cream eaten, when every day is a new story and you just want it to never end. We have collected our warmest summer memories - everything we miss for the remaining 9 months of the year”, - said Maria Molchanova, the founder of MAYME? brand and perfumer.

Perfume set “Memories of Summer” consists of four 5 ml bottles and is presented in an Eco-friendly packaging. Various components are used in the fragrances: chord of freshly cut grass, coconut, herbs, chord of ozonized air and many others.

A total of 100 perfume sets have been released. You can buy a perfume set starting November 1 at mayme.me.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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