Mar 22, 2024 - Aeroexpress Buses to Domodedovo Airport Transported Two Million Passengers in Two Years | Aeroexpress News
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Aeroexpress Buses to Domodedovo Airport Transported Two Million Passengers in Two Years

Mar 22, 2024

Exactly two years ago, on March 22, 2022, Aeroexpress launched its bus route No. 1185 from Domodedovskaya metro station to one of Russia's largest airports, Domodedovo.

Since the launch, the express buses have served 2 million passengers.

“Route No. 1185 became the second bus express route for Aeroexpress. Last year, we undertook significant work to improve and develop it—completely renewing our fleet, reducing departure intervals to 15 minutes, and increasing the number of trips. These efforts have resulted in high transportation performance: by the end of 2023, passenger traffic on the express buses to Domodedovo Airport increased by 51%. Today, the buses transport over 100,000 passengers each month, and the demand continues to grow. This indicates that the Aeroexpress bus route has proven to be a convenient and reliable transfer option, making Domodedovo Airport even more accessible,” said Aeroexpress CEO Andrey Akimov.

“Ensuring safety and comfort is a priority for Moscow Domodedovo Airport. The first rail express route between Paveletsky Station and the airport was opened in the early 2000s. Over time, we, along with our colleagues from Aeroexpress, have done a lot of work. The system has evolved and adapted to customer demands and modern trends in transportation and passenger services. As a result, we now have a stable, well-organized system that allows tourists to reliably plan their routes and travel seamlessly between the city and the airport,” said Andrey Pavlov, Director of Moscow Domodedovo Airport.

To ensure maximum comfort, Route No. 1185 operates high-capacity tourist buses with luggage compartments. The seats feature reclining mechanisms and armrests, USB ports under the seats for mobile device charging, and a climate control system to maintain a comfortable temperature. Spacious doors facilitate easy boarding and alighting. Stops are located at the airport’s terminal square opposite Exit No. 3 and near Exit No. 10 at Domodedovskaya metro station.

For passenger convenience, last summer the operating hours of express bus No. 1185 were adjusted to align with the metro schedule—buses now run every 15 minutes throughout the day. The reduction in intervals has helped distribute passenger traffic and make trips more comfortable, allowing passengers with early and late flights to use the express buses. Additionally, in 2023, the entire fleet on this route was upgraded to newer vehicles.

To view the schedule and fares, and to purchase tickets for the express bus, visit the company’s website or the Aeroexpress mobile app. Payments can also be made using a bank card, Troika card, or in cash when boarding. Children under 7 travel for free.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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