Nov 22, 2022 - Aeroexpress Trains and Buses Operate Normally During Ice Storm | Aeroexpress News
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Aeroexpress Trains and Buses Operate Normally During Ice Storm

Nov 22, 2022

This morning, an ice storm began in the Moscow region. Despite the adverse weather conditions, Aeroexpress trains and express buses are currently running on schedule across all routes.

The company consistently takes all necessary measures to ensure uninterrupted operations and comfortable passenger service in trains, express buses, and terminals, regardless of weather conditions. Every year before the winter season, Aeroexpress conducts scheduled inspections of electric trains, buses, and terminals to prepare them for operation in low temperatures. Throughout the winter season, the current collectors of electric trains are treated with anti-ice lubricant.

Climate systems and air curtains maintain a comfortable temperature in rolling stock and terminals. Regular cleaning is performed. Additionally, the entry areas in the double-decker Aeroexpress trains are equipped with special flooring that cleans shoe soles while walking, which helps avoid heavy contamination of the cabin carpets.

The company recommends waiting for boarding in passenger terminals, where a comfortable temperature is also maintained and regular cleaning is conducted. Hot beverages are available for warming up in terminals and on board Aeroexpress trains.

For traveling to the airport in the current weather conditions, the company advises using Aeroexpress services and arriving at the airport in advance.

For current information on train and express bus schedules, visit and the company's mobile app, call the hotline at 8-800-700-33-77 (for calls from Russian regions and mobile phones) or 8-495-663-84-10 (for calls from Moscow), or ask company staff at terminals.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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