Dec 24, 2021 - Aeroexpress Trains to Vnukovo to Stop at Aminevskaya Station
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Aeroexpress Trains to Vnukovo to Stop at Aminevskaya Station

Dec 24, 2021

Starting from December 27, Aeroexpress trains running between the Kievsky Rail Terminal and Vnukovo Airport will make an interim stop at the Aminevskaya station. Travel time from the Kievsky Rail Terminal to the airport and back again will remain the same, 35 minutes.

A ride on an Aeroexpress train from the Aminevskaya station to Vnukovo Airport will take a total of 25 minutes. Trains running in the direction of the airport will stop at the platform every hour, 10 minutes past the hour. When running from Vnukovo, Aeroexpress trains will also make a stop. The new timetable is already available on the company's website.

"The Aminevskaya station is connected to the same-name metro station of the Big Circle Line (BCL), with a walkway that makes it possible to keep passengers dry in bad weather. The BCL is a very convenient interchange circuit. Residents of many districts will not have to go to the city centre to take an Aeroexpress train to Vnukovo, thus saving a lot of time when travelling to the airport. Moreover, the stop introduced to the route will not influence the total travel time - trains will be able to catch up on the other sections of the railway. Thus, for passengers travelling from the Kievsky Rail Terminal, the conditions will remain unchanged," said Andrey Akimov, CEO of Aeroexpress.

TVMs will be installed at the station's terminal, and turnstiles will be adjusted to read Aeroexpress tickets. Tickets are also available in advance online, from the company's website and mobile app. All available Aeroexpress fares will be valid for trips from and to Aminevskaya.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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