Dec 13, 2021 - Andrey Akimov Appointed CEO of Aeroexpress
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Andrey Akimov Appointed CEO of Aeroexpress

Dec 13, 2021

The company has announced that Andrey Akimov has been appointed as the CEO, as of December 13, 2021.

Andrey Akimov has been working in the transport complex of Moscow since 2012. Over this time, he has grown from the deputy head of the Railway Transport Department to the head of the Moscow Central Diameters Directorate (Moscow’s Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development). He led the implementation of the major railway passenger transportation projects, including the construction of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) and putting the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD) into operation.

Andrey Akimov also led the modification of the Little Ring of the Moscow Railways into the Moscow Central Circle, the first public railway passenger transportation project in the modern history of Russia. The new kind of public transport has connected different city districts and made it possible to reduce the load on the existing metro lines. Passengers now spend 20 minutes less on their trips around Moscow. Over 500,000 passengers use the MCC daily.

In 2019, under the direction of Andrey Akimov, the Moscow Central Diameters were put into operation, with trains running between Odintsovo and Lobnya, as well as Nakhabino and Podolsk. The Moscow Central Diameters is one of the large-scale transport projects of the previous decade, connecting 45 districts of Moscow and six cities of the region into a single public transport system. It has improved transport accessibility for over four million people, raising their standard of living. Aeroexpress trains were integrated into MCD-1, with the Sheremetyevo route extended to Odintsovo. New stops introduced to the route, including such large business clusters as Moscow City and Skolkovo, ensure comfortable direct transfer to/from the airport for tens of thousands of people residing in the adjacent districts and working in the companies located there. Passengers can quickly change to an Aeroexpress train running to Sheremetyevo from 10 of 15 metro lines, including the MCC.

In 2021, Andrey Akimov was awarded the second-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Mr Akimov’s activities as the CEO of Aeroexpress will be mainly focused on further integration of the company’s trains and express buses into the transport system of Moscow given the dynamically changing infrastructure, enhancing the quality of provided services and increasing the company's share on the market of passenger transportation to the airports.

Andrey Akimov has replaced Alina Bisembaeva as the CEO. Over the time when Alina Bisembaeva ran the company, Aeroexpress implemented a few major projects such as putting express bus transportation between Khovrino and Sheremetyevo Airport into operation, introducing interim stops for Aeroexpress trains serving the Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo routes in order to integrate them into the MCC and MCD and opening the company’s own terminal at Domodedovo Airport.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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