Dec 3, 2021 - 30% Discount on Aeroexpress Tickets on Black Friday
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30% Discount on Aeroexpress Tickets on Black Friday

Dec 3, 2021

On Black Friday, round-trip tickets will cost 490 roubles instead of 750 roubles.

Discounted tickets will be available from the company’s website on 25-28 November 2021. The promo code for a discount is BLACK2021. One ride with this promotional fare will only cost 245 roubles. The special offer will be valid for trips taken between January 1 and January 21, 2022.

“Many people are actively planning their New Year holidays and trips to their families and friends. Obviously, the festive season comes with a lot of spending, so it is always nice to have an opportunity to save money on something. We have decided to offer a special promo fare as part of Black Friday to make journeys to the airports both comfortable and of maximum benefit. This is the first time our company has taken part in Black Friday. We hope that it is going to be our new tradition and a useful bonus for the company’s passengers”, said Olga Ivanova, Chief Marketing Officer of Aeroexpress.

Tickets with this fare are valid for all Aeroexpress routes, including Belorussky Rail Terminal – Sheremetyevo Airport, Paveletsky Rail Terminal – Domodedovo Airport, and Kievsky Rail Terminal – Vnukovo Airport.

Travellers can quickly and easily plan all stages of their upcoming journeys on the company’s website. Together with Aeroexpress tickets, passengers can purchase plane tickets, order guided tours in different cities around the world, book conference halls and request VIP services at airports.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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От 650 р. + баллы
Бесплатная упаковка багажа
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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