Apr 2, 2021 - Aeroexpress and the Naked Heart Foundation to Hold a Joint Information Campaign | Aeroexpress News
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Aeroexpress and the Naked Heart Foundation to Hold a Joint Information Campaign

Apr 2, 2021

The second joint information campaign on autism spectrum disorder, organized by Aeroexpress and the Naked Heart Foundation for Children, will start on April 2.

The campaign is timed to coincide with World Autism Awareness Day. Throughout the month, passengers on trains running to Vnukovo, Domodedovo, and Sheremetyevo airports will be able to see a video dedicated to this developmental feature.

Autism is the most common developmental feature. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2020, it is diagnosed in every 54th child, so the campaign slogan was chosen as: “There are more people with autism than we think.” The video will dispel myths around this feature and provide reliable information.

“We are happy to join such a socially significant campaign. Awareness is the first step to smoothing out barriers to communication. Thousands of passengers travel by Aeroexpress every day, and we hope that our information resource will help raise the level of knowledge about the problems that people with this developmental disability face,” said Natalia Saxonina, head of the Aeroexpress press service.

“Every year, the Naked Heart Foundation holds an information campaign dedicated to autism in April. After all, it is the lack of information that leads to the stigmatization of people with developmental disabilities and their families. We hope that watching a short video on Aeroexpress trains will help passengers learn a little more about what autism is and erase the boundaries for communication,” said Asya Zalogina, president of the Naked Heart Foundation.

Aeroexpress has been a partner of the Foundation in this information campaign for the second year. A similar joint campaign was held in 2019.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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