Sep 4, 2028 - Aeroexpress Congratulates Moscow Residents and Guests to the City on Moscow City Day
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Aeroexpress Congratulates Moscow Residents and Guests to the City on Moscow City Day

Sep 4, 2028

To celebrate the 873rd anniversary of Moscow, Aeroexpress has prepared presents for its passengers.

In 2020, Moscow City Day is celebrated on September 5-6. On this occasion, many companies have prepared presents and souvenirs for their customers, and Aeroexpress is no exception. Little Aeroexpress passengers will receive souvenirs from the company’s representatives. The youngest kids travelling with Aeroexpress will receive colouring books and stickers while elder kids will get flickers, badges and bracelets.

This year, the theme of celebration is Museum Moscow. In city parks and local festival sites, there will be historical reenactments, exciting art objects, intellectual games, workshops, exhibitions, lectures and sports events dedicated to the most famous museum exhibits of the city. Special programmes in Moscow museums will bring visitors back to the past, make it possible to see great pieces of art and tell about natural wealth, scientific wonders and engineering marvels.

Aeroexpress sends its best wishes to the city. Being an integral part of the Moscow Region’s modern transport system, red trains have long become one of the transport symbols of Moscow. For 15 years, it is Aeroexpress that has been the first to meet residents and guests to the city coming back from their trips and bringing them to the city quickly and comfortably.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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Бесплатная упаковка багажа
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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