Mar 4, 2020 - International Women’s Day with Aeroexpress
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International Women’s Day with Aeroexpress

Mar 4, 2020

The company has prepared special gifts for girls and women on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.

On 6 March, the day before the holiday, as is a tradition, Aeroexpress representatives will be giving out flowers to girls and women on the occasion of the coming International Women’s Day. Aeroexpress has prepared 3,000 tulips for passengers.

This holiday campaign will take place at the Aeroexpress terminals located at Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, and Vnukovo airports, as well as at the Belorussky, Paveletsky, and Kievsky Rail Terminals.

Aeroexrpess is running a special contest on its social media accounts, where participants compete for valuable prizes from partners. To learn more about how to take part in this contest, please visit the company’s official Instagram account.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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На 1 билет "Бизнес" доступна упаковка 1 места багажа. Услуга оказывается в терминале "Аэроэкспресс" аэропорта Домодедово и на Белорусском вокзале.
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