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Aeroexpress promotion «Reading passenger»

1. General Provisions

The organiser of the Reading Passenger campaign (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Campaign’) is LitRes (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organiser’).

Building 41, 13 Vtoraya Zvenigorodskaya St., Moscow 123022

OGRN: 1057748936398

INN: 7719571260

KPP: 770301001

OKATO 45277598000

OKPO 79457903

OKVED 72.40,

1.2. Requirements regulating participation in the Campaign.

1.2.1. To take part in the Campaign, one shall be a legally capable adult who is a citizen of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Participant’) and who purchased a ticket (tickets) for any route via e-sales channels.

1.2.2. The following people shall not be allowed to participate in the Campaign:

• Individuals who do not comply with Clause 1.2.1 hereof;

• The Organiser’s employees and representatives, affiliated individuals/entities, and family members;

• Employees and representatives of third parties that have contractual relations with the Organiser, and companies related to the preparation, organisation, and implementation of the Campaign.

1.3. Rights and obligations of the Organiser and Campaign participants.

1.3.1. A Participant may:

• Read the Campaign Terms and Conditions;

• Take part in the Campaign in the manner outlined herein;

• Receive Gifts (as defined below) in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

1.3.2. The Participant undertakes:

• To comply with these Campaign’s Terms and Conditions and perform any and all actions related to participation in the Campaign and receiving Gifts within the terms specified herein;

• Upon receiving the Gift, to check its condition and presence of any defects and to immediately notify the Organiser’s representative in the case such defects exist;

• Participants shall have other rights and responsibilities that are specified herein and provided by valid Russian laws.

The Organiser may:

• Refuse to grant the Participant a Gift if the latter has not complied herewith;

• Not engage in any written negotiations and contact Participants in any other way, except for the cases outlined herein;

• Refuse to consider any Participant’s claim for not receiving the Gift in the case that the Participant refused to receive the Gift;

• Request that Participants provide necessary information and documents in the cases specified herein, and other documents required to submit to public agencies;

• Arrange and conduct advertising interviews with Participants about their participation in the Campaign, including on radio and television, as well as other mass media, organise and carry out photo and video shoots of Participants receiving the Gift (Gifts), publish photo and video materials with Participants on websites and informational resources, as well as other mass media without any additional consent and remuneration.

• The Organiser may not provide information on the Participants to any third parties for purposes that do not relate to the Campaign, except for the cases provided hereby and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

The Organiser undertakes:

• To comply with these Terms and Conditions and take any actions related to carrying out the Campaign within the terms specified herein;

• To hold the Campaign in accordance with the Terms and Conditions;

• To ensure the confidentiality of personal data received by the Organiser from Participants for the purposes of carrying out the Campaign and their secure processing (including the collection, classification, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating and changing), usage, blocking, and destroying) as part of the responsibilities specified herein and in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No.152-FZ ‘On Personal Data’ dated 27.07.2006.

• Provide the corresponding Gifts according to the Terms and Conditions.

Campaign Period:

1.4.1. The Campaign shall be held from September 7, 2018, to September 30, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Campaign Period’).

1.5. The Campaign shall be held via the e-sales channels ( and Aeroexpress mobile app).

1.6. Participants shall be informed through the publication of these Terms and Conditions on the site or mobile app.

2. Campaign Gifts

2.1. The Gift represents the possibility to obtain a promo code (alphanumeric code) to download one of the following books free of charge:

1. Old Moscow’s Alleys—history, architecture, routes.

2. The Heart of Moscow—from Kremlin to Bely Gorod.

3. Moscow on Foot—the most fascinating walks around the capital.

With this promo code, passengers can obtain a 30% discount for any number of books from the entire LitRes catalogue after they register with LitRes at The discount will be valid for three days from the promo code activation date that shall not be later than 31.12.2018.

2.2. An individual alphanumeric promo code shall be sent to the Participant in an email, together with a purchased e-ticket.

2.3. The Organiser may increase the number of Campaign Gifts at its own discretion and inform the Participants by publishing the relevant information at

3. Procedure and conditions of participating in the Campaign

3.1. To take part in the Campaign, the Participant shall pay for an Aeroexpress one-way or return standard ticket to travel along the Kievsky, Paveletsky or Belorussky route, via e-sales channels within the Campaign Period (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Transaction’).

3.2. To obtain a promo code at the Organiser’s website, Participants shall do the following:

1. Follow the link

2. Register or log in;

3. Enter the promo code and click ‘Get a gift’.

4. Select a book from the list and click ‘Take this book’. The selected book will be available for download in the ‘My Books’ section. The 30% discount will be valid for three days from the promo code activation date.

4. Procedure for the distribution of Gifts

4.1. All Participants who fulfilled the conditions of the Campaign, specified in Clause 3.1 hereof within the Campaign Period shall receive the Gifts.

4.2. One Participant may receive only one Gift when purchasing tickets from one account.

5. Other Provisions

5.1. In accordance with Clause 1, Article 224 and Clause 4, Article 226 of Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, any and all responsibilities related to the calculation and payment of taxes payable due to the receipt of the Campaign Gift, as well as the responsibility for the failure to perform such obligation shall be borne by the Participants independently.

5.2. In accordance with Clause 28, Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, any income that does not exceed the amount of 4,000 roubles and that is received from organisations within a tax period, including in the form of gifts, winnings, and prizes granted during competitions, games and other events held to advertise products (works and services) shall not be subject to the personal income tax.

5.3. Gifts shall not be granted in the form of money. The Organiser may use unclaimed Gifts and those Gifts, the receipt of which was refused, at its own discretion. Gifts cannot be claimed by Participants again. No monetary compensation shall be provided.

5.4. The Participant shall independently cover all expenses related to his/her participation in the Campaign, mobile communication and/or Internet access costs, transport costs, and any other expenses that might be incurred by the Participant. The Organiser shall not compensate or reimburse the aforesaid expenses.

5.5. The Organiser shall not be liable for:

• The failure to receive or untimely receipt of mailings and data/documents required to receive the Gifts due to the fault of the Participants, communication providers, courier, and postal services or for any other reason that is beyond the Organiser’s control;

• The Participants’ failure to partially or wholly fulfil their responsibilities specified herein;

• The correctness, accuracy, and reliability of personal, contact and other details provided by Participants to the Organiser or the Organiser’s authorised individuals according to Clause 3.1 hereof, as well as the impossibility to contact such Participants using the provided contact data and/or, among others, due to the quality of communication provided by the corresponding providers;

• The failure to receive the Gifts by Participants in the case that such Gifts were not claimed or were refused to be received;

• Life, health, moral and/or mental injuries incurred by the Participants as a result of taking part in the Campaign;

• The failure to fulfil the obligations due to force majeure, including, but not limited to flood, fire, earthquake, war, restrictions/limitations of the authorised public agencies, and other similar circumstances, the effect of which the Organiser was not able to anticipate and eliminate.

5.6. By taking part in the Campaign, Participants confirm that they are adult citizens of the Russian Federation (aged 18 and older), that they provide their own reliable data and give their consent to receive information about promotional campaigns, Gifts, product samples, and other offers from the Organiser. The Participant’s consent shall grant the Organiser and its authorised individuals, who will take all necessary measures to protect such data from their unauthorised distribution, the right to collect, store, process and use the Participant’s data provided during participation in the Campaign, and also to contact Participants in regards of the Organiser’s advertising campaigns, including by means of telecommunications networks, in particular sending text messages and emails. Consent shall be valid from the moment the Participant provided his/her registration data until the moment of their withdrawal by the Participant.

The Participant may withdraw such consent for the use of his/her personal data by sending a withdrawal notification in writing to the Organiser at the following address: Building 41, 13 Vtoraya Zvenigorodskaya St., Moscow 123022

Upon receiving such a withdrawal notification, the Organiser and its authorised individuals shall stop processing the Participant’s personal data and shall destroy such personal data within three (3) days of receiving the withdrawal notification.

The Organiser shall not be liable for the failure to perform actions related to holding the Campaign in the case that such failure was due to the destruction of the Participant’s personal data as a result of the Participant withdrawing his/her consent for processing his/her personal data.

The Participant shall have the right to access his/her personal data. To use this right, the Participant may address the Organiser by sending a written request at the following address: Building 41, 13 Vtoraya Zvenigorodskaya St., Moscow 123022

In the case of any claims received by the Organiser from third parties due to the Participant breaching third party rights during the Campaign, the Participant shall bear responsibility for resolving disputes independently;

5.7. The Organiser shall reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions during the Campaign Period. Information on any changes hereto shall be published on an interactive screen. If required, including, but not limited, for the purpose of granting the Gifts, the Organiser shall have the right to request the necessary information from Participants, including their personal data, in order to provide such data to public authorities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.8. In all the cases not outlined herein, the Organiser and Participants shall be guided by the valid laws of the Russian Federation.

Hot line number

8-800-700-33-77 (calls from Russia and mobile phones).

8-495-663-84-10 (calls from Moscow).

The call is free of charge from all regions of Russia.

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